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banana prawns are on!

James W

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went with my old man today and bagged out on prawns in 40 minutes!!!

and there were no small ones either..all good size ones...and got one monster!

just look for the million other boats tomorrow guys..

word is shorncliffe, nudgee and redcliffe have the goods..GOOD LUCK [img size=640]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/prawn-5101fb68f139d2ee7b5914333e181e6f.jpg

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a pocket full..the size was down today, but the prawns just seemed to stay in the same area all morning...lunchtime garlic prawns today B)

also some of the by-catch in the net was flathead,jew,pike,herring,catfish,bream,stingrays,grunter,cardinals,tailor and queenfish. [img size=640]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/b.jpg

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James W wrote:

went with my old man today and bagged out on prawns in 40 minutes!!!

and there were no small ones either..all good size ones...and got one monster!

just look for the million other boats tomorrow guys..

word is shorncliffe, nudgee and redcliffe have the goods..GOOD LUCK [img size=640]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/prawn-5101fb68f139d2ee7b5914333e181e6f.jpg

That is no prawn is a Monster Crayfish :woohoo:

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