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Brisbane River, Tide, Fish.


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Hi All. I'm new to the Brisbane fishing scene, but a reasonably old hand at fishing more generally. Just wanted to know how important the tide variable is when fishing the Brisbane River? I live in New Farm and ride my push bike, so all my fishing will be land-based and range from the river mouth to around St Lucia. Any tips on locations, bait, and tide influence?


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hey mate yeah most of the creeks up towards pinkemba are worth a fish with plastics and out towards the mouth that way worth ago all idid when i got up was went for drive up that way and fished a few likely looking spots and just nailed them up an thing from big flatys snapper bream tailor flounder threadys and jews all landbased

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Thanks guys. I've ventured to Breakfast Creek for some early morning fishing a few times and scored plenty of under-sized Bream, a decent Flathead and a nice little 1.5 kg juvenile Jewfish. I also rode out Lytton Rd way and fished the banks at Fort Lytton National Park (is that even allowed? :unsure:) where I pulled in some decent Bream and some 35 cm Squire. Boggy Creek looks promising too, caught plenty of small Bream and a Stone Fish :S (which I took home and preserved in Metho in a glass jar - a magnificent looking creature!)

This is all using steak as bait. I tried squid on an incoming tide last Sunday at Breakfast creek... was there from 5.30am till 11am and got three bites, no fish. Still wondering whether it was the Squid or just a quiet day.

Am trying out past Fisherman's Island tomorrow. 35km round trip on the bike ;) Good fun!

What about under the Story Bridge near the old docks? It looks so rich and deep. There'd be monsters there, surely?!

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Used to have a rep as an incredible Cod and Jew spot when I was a kid. You had to know which sargent was on duty though, one of em was ok with ya fishing if you asked, the others would kick ya but!

Needed to be careful though, to make sure your not right under the bridge. Some of the jumpers did not go far enough along the bridge and landed in the yard, on the police boats, even remember hearing one went through the roof!

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