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Main line to Leader Knots


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Hey guys

I have read a lot of posts on the subject and have seen a lot of knots mentioned, mind boggling amount

I started a knot review and have a few listed, if you have or use a particular knot and would like a review on it let me know.

I have just developed a new knot to go with a bimini twist on to heavy leaders.


Its basically that you wind each of the legs 10 times, alternate one at a time around the leader. this is a slim strong knot.


Have a look at the bimini Twist tool.

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mate thats a vary easy knot to remember I just tried doing it on one of my heavier outfits and the knot is to bulky and wont go through the tip eyelet. would be a good knot on much lighter line thanks any way . I think I will stick with my wind on dacron leaders for the heavier outfits but I might start using this knot on my lighter outfits cheers

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Guys

I have done a little more line testing and now have a knot review page.

Now for a little interesting info.

Playing with knots you try all sorts of things, people mention things like, have you tried this or that, you pick up on these sorts of things.

Just I think it was my mate Rog that said, I believe that they are using braid for leaders that are very heavy and large, they seem to cut through the kelp better than the conventional leaders, that are much larger in diameter than the equivalent breaking strain in braid.

So i thought now, how would you tie a light braid to a heavy braid, and get good main line strength, a little R & D required i thought.

After trying a number of knots, Double Uni (hangmans) and improved double blood, results were poor to medium, so i tried some thing new, and got all but 100% of the mainline breaking strain.

I used a Bimini Twist as a knot, just one knot to tie the 2 lines. One thin line (22 lb) in and one heavy line (74 lb) out, with a resulting overall breaking strain of 21.9 lb.

I also did this with a 22 lb braid onto a 28 lb medium hardness leader and got a 20.8 lb result, which is not to bad. then I tried it on a 42lb medium hardness line, it was difficult to do but a similar result.

This is the how to,,,


More info at the Knots review page especially on Uni verses Double blood and a review on the mid.

This development may well lead to more new knots.

Interesting result after a days playing about.

more info at http://www.pcwi.com.au/fishing/index.htm


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