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Hi guys,

I am new to SP's and have been trying different retrieves with still no luck. I have been casting out then letting it sink then trying to make it jig along the bottom at the same time as reeling in relaly slowly. I have had a couple of little hits but never anything that hooks up. Am I retrieving correctly?

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depends a bit what sort of area you are fishing and what you are fishing for. If you are chasing bream and flathead, then chances are you need to go alot slower. Should take you up to about 60" to complete each cast and retrieve. Work the plastic with gentle hops and nudges and let it sit for a bit every few metres.

Presentation is also critical. Plastic must be straight on the jighead, loop knot connection and leader not too heavy. All makes a big difference.

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i find if throwing plastics around you can do the hop or slow roll retrieve but make sure you put a straight fast retrieve every now and then, this will sometimes bring a strike from a trev or tailor that likes a fast moving bait, its a reaction bite. just keep up the different various retrieves until you find whats working.

are you using them in the canals or creek or going to throw around rocky headland or surf?

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I'd say slow it down. You should do a couple of "hops" and only retrieve the slack. Then hop-hop again.

If its stuff like bream, flatties and whiting that are your likely targets, slow is the way to go most of the time.

So.. a quick rough guide.. cast out, let it sink to the bottom (or if snaggy bottom, close to the bottom). hop-hop with 2 flicks of the rod tip, let it sink, as it sinks retrieve the slack. Let it sit at the bottom (vary the time that you allow it to sit on the bottom from 0.5second up to even 15seconds), then hop-hop and repeat.

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I was told when I first started fishing plastics that they hoped I could count to 10. (Later to find out it would be 10,000 as in $$$$)

But serioulsy, good cast out, count to 10, a couple of little rod twitches and turns of the handle, count to 10, couple of little rod twiches and turns of the handle, count to 10... I think you are getting the idea.

Its a really basic start, but letting the plastic hit the bottom if sandy and being dragged off the bottom creates little puffs of sand capturing the fishes attention.

When in some shallow clear water at a ramp or something, put a plastic on and run it parralel to the bank so you can see what its doing. When you look at it diving and swimming and think if I was a fish I would eat that, then you are on your way to nailing the big ones!

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