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NPD 11/2/10 Hard decision. What would you do?


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Had an allright day at NPD this morning with a couple of firsts.

Ashhley with his first bass.


And Ian with his first yella.


And also Ian with PB bass but I cant remember size.

Final score Ashhley 4 bass

Ian 3 bass and one yella

Myself 3 bass.

And usual esky of redclaw.

Thanks for the company I reckon it was a very good day despite the fishing being a bit slow.



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just keep laughing! i was! it was a great day Ray with a few firsts for me!

the first first was handling redclaw!and trying to fit 200 in a eski!

the second was a pb dam caught bass at 37cm

and the third was a awsome yella going to 44cm

and fourth was fishing in a dam

and five was a huge bucket full of redclaw to take home

and six was movng at 6kph without a sound! ( strange feeling for me)

so yeah just a few firsts there

im realy beginning to enjoy these trips with you Ray! evry time i seem to bring home a new pb or first and have a hell of a feed to boot! so thanks again mate!

Damon had a ball with me ripping the heads off the yabbies and catching the escapees!

and Damon also said he wants to come next time and was not happy i left him home!

so if your doing a short trip one day only to check the potts and do a quick fish and need a few deckies then Damon and i are your men! (he can last about 2-3hrs)

it was good to meet you ash congrats on the big bass! i will see ya again one day!

thanks Ray!!!

cheers Ian.

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