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Kooka Park


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Well I was sitting at home today thinking why aren't I out fishing so I packed the rods and headed to Kooka Park an hour before high tide in search of a Bully. Got there around 1330 and landed a few catties up to 30cm within the first 5 minutes which became my livies. Unfortunately for me no bullies. I was there til about 1630 before having to head home.

As I was driving back out I noticed that some stupid idiots have caught two turtles and what looked like a cattie that must have measured around 50cm about 2 days ago and they have left them about 100m from the water to rot in the sun. Can I ask who kills turtles?

I have reported it to Fisheries and Police but there is not much they can do. I just hope that no one from this site was involved in this. I had to defend this site to a local who was complaining that because of sites like this posting bullies locations they have been getting lots of louts hanging around dumping rubbish shark bodies and loads of wasted line, hooks etc etc. :(

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The reliable old catty saves another fisherman's doughnut :laugh:

What size turtles ?....might have been good bait. Any Tiger sharks in the area ? :laugh:

Just jokes. There's always some neanderthal bringing down the reputation of fishers as a whole. But, we don't know the full story - they may have had to head off quickly to slip a knife into their mate's schoolbag or something. :whistle:

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who would do that to a turtle? some sick b*&^%#ds out there. killing and torturing animals is the one thing all serial killers have in common. As turtles are a no-take species this wouold have amounted to a considerable amount of trouble. i repeat- why would anyone do this? :(

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roobs wrote:

who would do that to a turtle? some sick b*&^%#ds out there. killing and torturing animals is the one thing all serial killers have in common. As turtles are a no-take species this wouold have amounted to a considerable amount of trouble. i repeat- why would anyone do this? :(

i agree roobs.. the people that did this deserve to be thrown in the fire and see how they bloody like it in the first few minutes... truly sad to see...

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good to see ya gettin outa the house mate and trying to nail some bullies.

mate I fish the upper river heaps and I fish kooka park lots each week.after rain occurs in the area a fish kill can occur in the river real quickly. If it has rained out near lowood fernvale area or even as close as pine mountain it will take a few days for the fresh to hit the bracish water and when it does this is when the kill can often occur

Why? I dont know It just does.

The most common area for the fish kill to happen in is between goodna and colleges, once again I dont know the exact reason why.

It's not uncommon to see dead turtles,bass,threadies,boney bream and cattys floating or roting on the bank after rain.

I ve seen a few interesting dead animals in the river the last week or two.

Iam thinking maybe these animals died from a natural death.

Just my knowledge about what happens in the local area hope it helps

cheers mick

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jeff f wrote:

good chance someone had a crab pot in using the catty for bait

the turtles get in the crab pots and drown

Yeah we droped some pots in the step dads dam after being told there were good yabbies in it and unfortunatly there were also turtles, We found 1 dead turtle in the pot and decided it wasn't worth the yabbies and our little cousin wouldn't talk to us all night after it she was heaps upset.


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seen turtles all the way for the old weir to goodna boat ramp .

they are a pain to catch on a line ,only cause u don't want to hurt them .

i have not used crab pots in these areas yet .

if i did i would do a check every hr or 2 .

hopefully then u can get them out alive .

anything i catch from around the junction ,down to goodna goes back i would not eat it .

for yabbies u can use opera house pots or shrimp pots ,they got smaller entrance .

hard for turtles to get in .

i have had shrimp pots around kooka and never got any turtles in them .

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Wow the ol' kooka isn't what it used to be. The last time I went there it was all gravel and you could drive and park your car anywhere along the rivers edge. A couple weeks ago I had a choice of smash the livin crap out of my computer or go and wet a line. I took the cheaper option. I packed one yabby trap, one rod and a spinner. Ended up at kooka pk and crapped meself when I saw how much it has changed. I shoulda stayed home with the computer!

Anyway, rainy day, no one there, I stopped at that table and looked, then some buggers in a volvo pulled up and raced to the table as though it had a million dollar cheque under it. I would have stayed and fished with them but I needed my me time. So I went up to the ramp area, and dropped my trap in, waited for the rain to pass again, then started casting and retrieving practice with the spinner. 30 mins had passed aswell as a couple of showers, and bugger me I had to pack myself up and go get the kid from school.

I am thinking of popping out there again this week sometime for a better attempt at fishing, so if you or the volvo people or anyone from here see's a silver landcruiser out there give me a hoy and I'll introduce myself.

Now what you reported is exactly the thing that make great locations for fishing, boating, family days, etc get closed off from the honest public. (sorry, you are not responsible but them wankers that dumped the turtles are).

I posted my story for that reason. To say that great places enjoyed by many, end up being closed off or well restricted due to the negligence of a small amount of idiots that do those things.

Back to the topic again, how is the fishing down there these days? I've only just got back into fresh fishing again so I'm keen to find out. And am I wasting my time down there or the local river system with my yabby traps?



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More saltwater species (sharks, bream, flatties and threaddies) get caught there than fresh water species.

Word of advice, this question is really a thread in itself. Taking over a report thread wont get you the answers your after as no one will be seeing it in the right section of that makes sense. Not having a go at all, just offering a suggestion to a: get more answers, and b: keep the original thread on topic.

Cheers mate.


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Yes my bad for straying away a bit from the original thread posting, I don't mean to do that, it just comes out. But basically was also just asking on their thoughts of the location in regards to that. I am fairly new to this site and I have a lot of reading to do, so if I step on anyones toes I do apolagise now for it. It's all good, I am good.

Will probably see some of the members down at kooka (or other locations) real soon I guess.

Cheers fella's, and good report natang.

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Lost it: As Angus said there is more saltwater fish caught there then freshwater. I have caught Flattie and Bream there as well as the regular catty. It is not a bad place is best to go during the week though and steer clear on weekends as loads of ski boats. Welcome to the site mate.

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