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AFO Social, Clean Up & Castnet Lessons Sunday 7th


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Hey everyone.

Would everyone be interested in a Social/Clean Up for Clean Up Australia Day.

With the numbers we have here, and a common interest I think we could do good things.

My proposal...

Everyone who is able get out and clean up our waterways!

Where? For this event I was thinking the Brisbane River and her tributuries as the river is really the heart and sole of the region.

So how about we get a show of hands as to who would be keen.

Nothing official like rubbish weigh ins or anything, just your good word and honesty that the day was spent cleaning. Not really chasing reputation or publicity here, I just think we owe it to ourselves to look after our back yard fishing. If we dont who will!!!

The day?

I was thinking like a dawn until 10am clean up, a bit of a fish and then a big 1:00pm BBQ social at Comslie?

Would be a good chance to:

A: Do a good deed.

B: Have a fish.

C: Meet some more AFO faces.

I would encourage boat owners to throw out their deckie spots for this as well to get as many involved as possible.

Cheers guys.

Please PM me if you are "officially" attending so I cant make a list of people who will be at the BBQ.


5:00am-12:00Midday: Clean up and fishing.

1:00pm: BBQ!





Angus Gorrie

Old Scaley



Davo Dinkum


Jeff F


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just a idea .

are we cleaning up the Comslie area or anywhere on the river ?

can people keep there ally cans ,steel, car battery,copper brass etc stuff like that separate from general rubbish .

we could recycle it and pay for the bbq or give the $ to a charity .

i don't know how much there will be .

but say if we get a box trailer full could be quite a few bucks ,depending what it is .

ally cans are about a 1 $ a kg atm.

shopping trolleys = steel.

what u reckon boys ?

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Davo_Dinkum wrote:

just a idea .

are we cleaning up the Comslie area or anywhere on the river ?

can people keep there ally cans ,steel, car battery,copper brass etc stuff like that separate from general rubbish .

we could recycle it and pay for the bbq or give the $ to a charity .

i don't know how much there will be .

but say if we get a box trailer full could be quite a few bucks ,depending what it is .

ally cans are about a 1 $ a kg atm.

shopping trolleys = steel.

what u reckon boys ?

I like the recycling idea Davo but as I said at present this is not official.

There is not enough bin space at Comslie to cope if everyone brings their rubbish back here. My suggestion was just to clean anywhere in the river and meet at Comslie for a BBQ afterwards. I would suggest at present dumping your rubbish in bins elsewhere or we will have a problem!

In saying that I will try and get into the council and maybe they will drop off a skip if we get enough interest? No promises though as I work 6:30 to 6:30 each day and dont have any time to sit on a phone trying to organise this. But if they are keen and it only takes a little bit ill give it a shot.

Failing that if anyone has a spare moment today and could call the organisers of Clean Up Australia Day and ask what the usual protocol for a group etc doing a clean is? Im sure there is some precedent for this.



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Register your site by 24 February 2010 to receive your Clean Up kit

For registrations after this date we cannot ensure that you will receive your Clean Up kit on time. For sites registered after this date you may need to arrange for your own rubbish removal. Please contact your local council to discuss this further. For registrations after 24 February the paper kit component of the Clean Up kit can be downloaded here.


First paragraph is from the cleanup website.

Looks like you need to register an area.

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sounds good. count me in.

edit - just had a look at the Official page. Do we wanna pick a spot to go for?? or sign up to another organised spot??

Theres a norman creek site, and even a BNE_kayakers organised site under the story bridge.

Is there a site that we all know is horrible and needs some attention?

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ryanyoung wrote:

I don't have wheels, however am keen to help out...... If someone is keen to give me a lift to wherever, then I am in like Flynn! I am a south-side lad, IVO Bulimba.

Waiting out,


Mate ill give you a lift no worries!

Maybe a dawn threaddy session at Bulimba (or pre dawn :P ) and then a clean up back to Comslie for the BBQ?


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Angus wrote:

ryanyoung wrote:
I don't have wheels, however am keen to help out...... If someone is keen to give me a lift to wherever, then I am in like Flynn! I am a south-side lad, IVO Bulimba.

Waiting out,


Mate ill give you a lift no worries!

Maybe a dawn threaddy session at Bulimba (or pre dawn :P ) and then a clean up back to Comslie for the BBQ?


I like where your head is at Gus! Pre-dawn it is, at Bulimba, followed by a run up the river-bank to Colmslie with the riggers and garbage bags. I will put it in the organiser right now, we will catch up prior to the event to confirm!



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Hey all. Im going to do a front pager to amp this up as well.

Please sign up to this event here!!!!


I noticed that the highest number of sign ups for an event at present is only 66. Surely we can compete with that!

Its great to see a few people already committed.

For all those people out there that preach reponsible fishing, and to those that just plain old enjoy out waterways this is a chance to clean shop!!


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i keep thinking i got something on that day .

but can't think or find out what it is .

so yeah i'll be there .

are we cleaning anywhere on the river .

i reckon me and the kids will go clean kooka park ,goodna boat ramp/park ,junction somewhere like that, so somewhere close like that.

more a landbased /river bank clean .

are we taking the rubbish back to Comslie,they bringing a bin ,or we going to dump it locally to where we clean .

what i mite try and do is bring my tinny down in dad,s trailer .

this is if we get enough people and cover enough areas .

i will scrap them on the Saturday after and pass on the $ to gus to sent to charity .

so cans ,small bits of steel,brass ,copper etc ,battery's ,smaller stuff .

no shopping trolleys ,don't think they would like me bringing them there.

even if we get a shopping bag of cans each x 50 people ,that would = about 15 or 20 $.

i'm guessing at amounts we would get .

but the last 2 can runs i have done have been 4 or 5 garbage bags of crushed cans = 15 and 20 kg ,15 or 20 $.

its not much ,but i'm some charity would appreciate it .

anyway i will check on the numbers we have etc and post the saterday arvo ,if we will go ahead with the recycling thing .

i'm sure there will me and a cpl of kids doing this .

come on guys ,u must want to help out .

just think ,almost every time u go fishing u pick up the rubbish at the ramp ,jetty ,fishing spot etc .

i know we all have them moments when we see it and think fuck it ,i'm over it ,sick of cleaning up some1 else's mess .

but next week we are there again and picking it up.

its just like that but in more force .

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Davo: Dont know what the go is for rubbish collection. At present just consider dumping your own and ill post something if I sort something out with the council.

And yes everyone so whatever section of the river you can. Just meet at 1:00pm for a BYO BBQ. So fuss, just good blokes doing some good work.


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Hi guys the reason I jumped in and signed us up was to beat the dead line for us being able to get a bin supplied I will get that sorted on friday when I get back to bris. The Brisbane river is or area so feel free to clean up any part of it. The clean up guys are also sending me a supply of rubbish bags and gloves that I will have at the boat Ramp on the clean up morning, thoughh if they are anything like the ones they give for the frazer Isl clean up they will be pretty weak but still do the job, just.

Will most likley have a couple of deckie spots as my Mrs is not really a 4am person

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AZZA wrote:

Hi guys the reason I jumped in and signed us up was to beat the dead line for us being able to get a bin supplied I will get that sorted on friday when I get back to bris. The Brisbane river is or area so feel free to clean up any part of it. The clean up guys are also sending me a supply of rubbish bags and gloves that I will have at the boat Ramp on the clean up morning, thoughh if they are anything like the ones they give for the frazer Isl clean up they will be pretty weak but still do the job, just.

Will most likley have a couple of deckie spots as my Mrs is not really a 4am person

Nice one mate!

Wel Rubbish to the ramp it is!

I have seen bags from previous years so I might just get my own super strength ones. Or even some animal body bags from dad. They are tough as!


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AZZA wrote:

Hi Guys there is a skip all sorted now all we need is some more players so get off your a#% and put some love back into your world

Awesome work mate!

Really hoping to see some more members there hey.

So far its looking a little lame to be honest!


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Hey guys,

In a last ditch attempt to get some more people along to the clean up this Saturday I thought I would take some advice that Jeff F gave me.

It seems a lot of people were not aware of the BBQ and social side to this event.

Well after the clean up we are all planning to meet at the Colmslie Rec Reserve for a BBQ and yarn so please feel free one and all to come along.

All details can be found in the relevant article on the front page of this site, and in the appropriately named Fishing Events thread.

To reiterate for the newer members to the AFO site, this will be a great chance to meet some of the crew, put names to faces and well, just get involved.



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Travis wrote:

Ill be pullin the pots and scooting up to boggy for a fish sunday so im thinking ill give the boggy beach a clean up and meet back for the bbq

yeah Ay thats what I had in mind that beach is filthy atm I reckon you would fill a small truck with all the rubish on that section.I thought it would help kill the time between checkin pots.

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