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boat rock friday deckie spot open


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daveylad wrote:

hope you didnt get outbidded davo bet you were after some more tackle?

hehe i wish .

i was on there listing stuff to sell .

my buying fishing gear is on a limit of 20$ every 2 weeks to feed the addiction .

beer come first .

some interesting finds in the 2 dollar and second hand shops

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tugger wrote:

pm sent davey sorry it took so long but the kids did a bit of home work earlier on the pc

bugger we'll have to get you out there davo wasn't sure who would be available through the week

sometime i will make it out .

yeah i was working every day for a while ,had pretty much 6 weeks of constant work .

but it stopped .

haven't worked for 2 weeks so got time but no coin .

don't look like i'll work this week either ,good for getting stuff done around home bad for the wallet .

the suck part of being casual ,never know when works on.

i could get a call tomorrow and be back hard at it or nothing could happen for a while .

never can tell.

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thanks tbox i hope so too mmmm 10kg snapper but 3 would be better one each for all of us, we'll have to try and get you out next time


tacklebox wrote:

spewin I took today off to go fishing but was too tired from yesterday's effort. hope you get your 10kg snapper mark!
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gday brad tide on the bar is low at 0400 and i will cross just after 0530 so it will be running in which is what you want the swell will be less than a meter with 5 to 10 knots predicted for the morning and lighter early on. we have a large high centered over northern nsw which is getting like a winter pattern it should be alot better than our last trip. the bar will get better as the tide gets higher and i'm confident on a top day weather wise plus the moon is full tonight which the reefies love as was the same moon cycle when we went out last month. :woohoo:

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