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Brissy river mixed bag


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went late last night/early this morning for a flog around the mouth. Got my white light fixed, good to be back without worrying about the condition of my wallet. Took mr chen out again as he hasn't been out to the mouth in a while

Fishing was pretty slow but most fish caught were good quality, took a while for the first to come on board but i finally opened the account with a 52cm snap. Fish was caught on one of the clear deepthroater varieties thrown stupidly far into structure, as the fish were not out in the open i got ballsier and ballsier with my casts lol. calcutta 250dc with 25lb loomis broomstick did a good job of extracting him with plenty of headshakes but not much line peeled off a locked drag.

No more fish from this spot, so we made a move and chen scored a 45 snap and a 69 jew on a wriggler. jew was tagged and released

during this period i scored a 51 flatty and a 55 flatty, as well as a 41 tailor on the clear throater. Just as i returned the tailor i looked behind me and saw the rain coming, mass fun that was :( got a bit wet and a lot cold but thankfully it didnt last.

Pulled back to the ramp and got home before the sun was up.

Have been getting a few q's about why i often run just the one hook on the deepthroaters. Basically I live in constant hope of big jewies, big cod and big snapper and so i put 6x strong owners on the front which are too big for a second hook :) I definately catch more smaller fish/tail biters using slightly smaller hooks on the front and back but I don't trust a size 6 treble with a m+ jew close to structure, so I often opt for the large hook on the front. Have caught plenty of quality fish using 2 smaller hooks though including a few m+ threadies and 50+ jacks, but I guess its a confidence/preference thing.











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i wouldnt say that, have caught 5 legals so far this winter with most of the undersizers around 60-70, my experience last year saw most undersizers at 40-50 in the same locations. have seen a fair few legals from other anglers as well so far and we're only just now getting into the cold :cheer:

mick i offered him one but his wimpy little 2-6lb rod wasn't up to the task :P (this is gettin worse every post LOL)

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Nice mixed bag Dan.

On the size of Jew, went through the data, this year 5 legal Jew to 92 cm, 63 undersize, all released, 9 tagged when I was set up to tag threadies. As I have said before never seen so many not just in the river everywhere. Cooling off now looking forward to a big one :woohoo:

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nice session mate, well done on the jewies catch and release. Myself and baybasher were out there last week and we got a couple of nice jewies too. Might post some pics later.

Keep up the good work mate, your on fire.

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he called me around 01:30am

he said "shit dude this fish has a tag in it, is it okay? i didn't notice it before did you?"

i said "nope, but then again i wasn't looking. give the number a call and find out it's movements"

he was really worried, it seemed like he thought it was protected or something :P

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hooked on trout, when im at fraser last we were casting oil exploration metals out into 5m of water and the choppers were all over them, they weighed 5 times what a deepthroater is, all you do is wind a bit faster to keep your lure off the bottom, give it a try mate LOL.

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smitty wrote:

hooked on trout, when im at fraser last we were casting oil exploration metals out into 5m of water and the choppers were all over them, they weighed 5 times what a deepthroater is, all you do is wind a bit faster to keep your lure off the bottom, give it a try mate LOL.

what is an "oil exploration metal"?

yes I have fished plastics like a 4" jerk shad (pink shine) very close to the surface on a 1/6 jigg head down in Balina and landed a nice greenback.

Just wondering.

I was after jew.

ANyways nice work with the 'knob gobbler'... err I mean 'Deep throater' :P .

I think you should call them "Gobblers".


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