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Good Desktop Icon Organiser -Freeware-Fences

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If your one of those people like me who has desktop Icons everywhere on your desktop and think you might like them a little more organised than what native windows offers, check this program out.

Its called "Fences" and the basic edition is free while the paid for edition is $10 (I have the basic edition).

All you have to do is install the program then follow these steps-

[ol]Right click on you desktop and drag to make a rectangle (fence)[/ol]

[ol]In the create a fence here box left click and name the catagorie[/ol]

[ol]Hit Ok after you have given the fence a name[/ol]

[ol]Drag/drop Icons you want in that catagorie 'Fence' area[/ol]

[ol]Do this with as many catagories as you like[/ol]

[ol]Right click on desktop and go 'CONFIGUE FENCES' to change the transparancey and colour of the fences among a few other things like option to have labels or every thing to become hidden/unhidden on double mouse click[/ol]

Fences can be downloaded here!

I have added a screen shot of my desktop to give an idea of how it works, of course you can customise it to look/behave much differently to what is shown.

I must be a bit bored this morning having to work yesterday and up early this morning.

Good luck to all competing in the MBC! Can't wait to see the results.

Cheers 16_05_10_desktop_Fences_AFO.jpg


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