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Scarborough trip


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Last night 'Acko' and I headed out off Scarborough to fish around Castlereagh Point. We arrived just after low tide around 8pm(having completed our family duties of helping feed & bath the kids!!). After securing some live prawns and herring we ventured out. After spending the next four hours trying both frozen squid, live prawns & herring our tally was one ray and no other bites. We were using twenty pound line with 50lb leader to reduce losses to the reef. Starting to wonder whether this was the right choice?? We tried close in to the rock wall at Scarborough with me using 1/4 oz 'TT Switchblade' metal vibes and Acko sticking with the live prawns on 8lb line with no luck either. Despite the lack of fish it was still a fun night with many laughs had. I would be interested to hear if anyone has had any luck off Scarborough, and if so, what bait & tackle they used.

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g'day glend welcome to the site, i havent fished that area myself but i reckon the gear sounds a little too heavy. im pretty sure there is a few reports from this area in the forum though so i reckon have flick few some of those to get an idea of what gear people have been using in the area that has been paying off. good luck .

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I think this is it --> http://www.australianfishing.com.au/forum/11-islands-and-moreton-bay-reports/245405-scarborough-reef-281-kayak

I fished there for the first time last week using 15 and 30 lb line and got busted off 6 times but caught rays, wobbegongs and smaller stuff so there are fish there. Next time I go I might upgrade one of my rods to 50lb leader and see if I can hang on to one of the steam trains. There's definitely potential there.


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Bluevien wrote:

I think this is it --> http://www.australianfishing.com.au/forum/11-islands-and-moreton-bay-reports/245405-scarborough-reef-281-kayak

I fished there for the first time last week using 15 and 30 lb line and got busted off 6 times but caught rays, wobbegongs and smaller stuff so there are fish there. Next time I go I might upgrade one of my rods to 50lb leader and see if I can hang on to one of the steam trains. There's definitely potential there.


Thats the one :)

The Cobia was caught on my bream gear 4lb braid/8lb leader and the jewy was caught on 15lb braid/30lb leader and 40lb steel trace (going for a mack).

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Its coming up to the right time of year for it to fire there. Last winter I got onto a few good fish. One of my biggest bream came from the same spot Keen-as-fisho was at


It was on 4lb braid/6lb leader. But did get smoked a couple of times by the resident big cod too :blush:


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Fish light to increase your chances (line class and weight) The area is very shallow and gets alot of attention. you need to be very quiet in your boats, the bang and crash of anchor chains on the side of a tinny will scatter any decent fish in a matter of seconds. Kayaks are only achieving good results out there because they are quiet, not because they are particularly good fisherman. A good fisherman in a kayak gets some exceptional results at times.

I fish for snapper out here with a maximum of 10pd line and 14 pd fluorocarbon leader using 1/20th - 1/8th jigheads and vary my plastics between 3 & 5 inches but I really like using 4" atomic jerk shads in pumpkinseed and I have landed fish up to 80cm with this rig and outfit.

There is plenty of reef out here and much of it is well away from the parking lot that forms around the pole marking the end of castlereigh point. The reefs extend all the way from woody point in the south up to and beyond Castlereigh in the North. Use your sounder to find patches of rubbly bottom, wirey weedy areas and isolated bommies that hold bait. If you can find the bait you will find the fish. You just need to spend a bit of time exploring as nobody is going to give up there marks or secrets over a public forum.

Large bream hunt the shallows and a very successful method of targetting them is to slow roll small hardbodied lures (sx40's jackall chubbies etc) across the shallow rocky outcrops so that they dive and even bash into the rocks and keep them coming out into deeper water. This method also puts you in the chance to tangle with the local cods but getting your lure back is a mission when these guys hit.

Right now is a great time to target tailor in this area, try berleying up the deeper sections just beyond the reefs early morning before dawn and either spin slugs or float small pillies, whitebait or hardyheads as the tailor cruise through and attack everything in their path.

It's all about putting the time and effort to find the spots so that you don't aimlessly follow the crowds in this area. A sounder and GPS are invaluble (even a small hand held GPS will do the job) as they will locate the structure and bait and allow you to come find it again when you drift off it. Keep as quiet as possible, don't bang anchors or chains on tinnies, lower them gently into the water if you feel you need to use them but I think you are better drifting in most situations anyway. Fish light to increase your chances. The fish out here aren't stupid, they are heavily pressured and see plenty of 2 trip old pilchards on rusty gangs plumeting to the bottom in a massive bubble trail with half an ounce of lead on whipper snipper cord. Increase your chances and make your bait or lure stand out by looking like it is supposed to be there. The whole area fishes a bit better when there is a bit of a breeze putting a chop on the water. This keeps many of the fair weather fishermen away decreasing boat noise and anchor bashing etc and the fish seem to feed a bit more comfortably in this shallow water when there is a bit of surface disturbance.

Good luck.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Had another crack at it last night with a mate. A few just under squire, a small gummy shark and some bream. Got busted off a couple of times too so enough to keep us interested. Talked to a some guys who caught a couple of keeper squire so they are out there.

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