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Cabbage,Shultz and jacksons creek tagging trip.


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started off the weekend listening to my step brother spewin his guts at 4 in the morning :/ so decided to go for fishw ith a few mates at cabbage cuz we have been flogging shultz for a while now. got to the ramp at 6.30 and just drove around for a while whilst i was waiting for them. decided to go to the sewrage outlet for a while to get some bait. got plenty of herring so we were set to target the pilons at the co-op and deagon.

was pretty slow at deagon with few takes and nothing landed so took a drive all the way up to deagon and fished underneath the railway and deagon bridge near the fruit market. got 2 that were tagged and released then the current slowed so moved to the mouth and had a flick with some plastics.

on the first cast managed a legal flatty that i tagegd and released. we then pulled in a few pike and they went into the bucket with the herring. current started moving so moved back up the creek to the co-op. with some current around got alot more runs but no hook-ups. so decided to take a run right back up to deagon.

got to the bridge and was granted instant bream after bream. they fought extremely well for their size nearly all of them were between 26 and 30 cm's no giants but fought well and was helping my tagging situation. the bites stopped so decided to pack up and go home with 7 bream tagged and 1 flathead. (i only tag legal fish or longish fish).

Sunday. had a bit of a better wake up and was off to the boat ramp with a nice cool can of mother in one hand and wicked in the other haha. go to the ramp at 7 and there was heaps of people around. more than normal. anyway only had 2 or 3 litres of fuel left so headed straight for the gateway arterial bridge (i think?)

Got there and the tide was fairly low but managed to entice a hard fighting bream on some of yesterdays herring. he went 27 cm and was tagged and released. the fish slowed so i took a run back past the ramp and up jacksons creek to the airport bridge.

There were a couple of other blokes there already so i went to the airport side and anchored out of the way and cast at the pilon. first cast i was rewarded with a 30cm bream (first decent fish from jacksons). tagged and released. then another bream of 29 cm's. the other guys werent catching anything so i felt guilty that i sorta took their spot so i offered them some herring to try do wat i was doing. first cast and one of them got a nice 28 cm bream. he was happy and the other guy was happy. i tagged it. after that they left so i was left the bridge for myself and got a few more decent bream before the current picked up to fast i couldnt really fish it. so i decided to go all the way back to the gateway as the tide was a bit higher.

got to the bridge and hooked up first cast again to a little bream of 27 cm he was tagged and released. then 3 more taggable bream biggest going 29cm's.

all the fish caught over the last 2 days fought extremely hard and i think that if there is any people on this site who are new to fishing should fish for these fish as they make a great account for themselves on a line.

i only managed a few dodgy pics as i forgot the batterys for the camera travis gave me :/ soz mate but my friends from cabbage have a couple and i will grab em off them later on.

thanks for reading


p.s thanks nadders for the help on were is best to tag the fish. 06_06_10_1243.jpg


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yeah hes the chode looking guy that is in love with reddy bay xD (no offence ryan im allowed to hang shit on you xD) yeah we get a fair few joel said they dnt get much offshore. they use like 40 litres offshore and catch nothing and 2 litres inshore and catch a heap.

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fishguru5 wrote:

have a look at the deformity in the first pic on its back. alot of them have it. one had one so bad i could fit three fingers across it.

Well done on the tagging. looking good ;)

The deformity is the "Saddleback Syndrome" that is currently being researched, though in our local bream population it mostly "being ripped out of a gill net when undersized syndrome"

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Yes Dan you see a few of them, sure you would have seen one.

Before the "Saddleback Deformity Syndrome" became an issue fishos of my aquaintaince called it "Net Neck" for 25 years or so, seen a few small bream around the 20 cm mark with fresh unhealed damage obviously from being meshed to around the first dorsal and removed, the position of the notch varies depending on the size it was meshed.Dont discount some of the other theories chemical ect entirely myself but in local SEQ Bream it is mostly mesh damage IMO

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