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buckat list prize day


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After winning the lucky door prize at the mbc this year, a few of my mates and my self got to enjoy a great fun day aboard the beautiful cat owned by warwick. known as buckat list the 2800 sailfish powered by 2 honda 150s is a great ride and a pleasure to fish from. i recieved the call from warwick wednesday to confirm we were going this friday, conditions were looking great for the off shore scene, with a predicted variable winds around mid day and the swell not to bad.

mickfillet, crabbman, pete and my self met warwick at manly early friday morning, 4:30am brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :)

it wasnt long and we were heading out across the bay with deep tempest as destination snapper. we arrived at deep tempest and after some scouuting around for some nice depths around the 80 mtr mark we started our first drift, pete was first up with a nice snap in the 50s caught on a lucanus jig with upgraded hooks. then i hooked up to a nice snap which put up a good battle on light gear, it went 60cm but it had a great ugly knob and a ugly head :laugh: i caught him on a 7" nuke chook with a lucanus skirt up grade on the 1-1/2 tt jig head head.

we just drifted long areas and chatted the day away with some good laughs and as the day went on chris, mick and pete and my self landed a few more snaps, we had lucanus skirts ripped to shreds and 7" jek shads chewed up by tusk fish but failed on connecting to them. i think warwick enjoyed watching us catching all our fish on a variety of lures even the octa jigs worked :)

we called it quits in the early arvo and headed back to manly, we couldnt believe how flat the bay was as we motored back to manly, it was glassed out and the so called drop in the wind came as we left hahaha :laugh:

i really enjoyed the day on such a nice boat, and the skipper is a top genuine great bloke, thanks warwick for the prize donation and sponsor of the mbc.

i can recommend for you guys to get a crew together and booking the buckat list charter boat B) was a fun day enjoyed by all and we even managed a feed! 105_1486_800x600.jpg


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It was a great day out cheers again wes. thanks again to Warwick.

I must say it was tough going out there fish wise.bait just did not work.I tried whole squid and whole pillies and half pillies and tinny little cubes of pillie but not a touch even in the thickest of shows on the sounder. Chuck a nuke chook on with a lucannus skirt on the 1 1/2 oz jig head and wack wack ....wack wack as soon as it got down near the bottom.

Warwick was a good skipper.would recomend bucketlist charters over any other charter boat i have been on or heard about through other mates.Iam not just saying this because I got a free ride out of him as I go out offshore any time in my own boat.

bucket list is very fisher friendly with alot of deck space with rod holders every where and all the fishing gear like gaffs ,nets,sinkers,good range of rods and bait are all there.It was kinda like fishing from ya own boat having access to all Warwicks gear (not that I used it but it was there if i wanted too).There was a good range of lures that I spotted wilst snooping around the cabin :P ranging from a 80 gram lucans jigs right through to big game lures that have been smashed up and had good battle scares on most of the lures.so its good to see all the good gear is there to use.

also the boat has a microwave fridge/freezer and a good size bathroom.

Warwick I know all you wanted to do was go to your fishing grounds down the south and bag out so thanks again for taking the time and listening to what wes and the others wanted to do.You did a good job at finding some new ground that none of us have fished before not knowing if it would even produce the goods.I take my hat off to ya for listening to what others wanted to do and then going out and producing the goods :ta:

On another note-that whale that hung around all day was a buzz.it was with in a few feet of the boat at times which let us have a real good look at its barnicles and somthing else that was not a good sight to see rather disturbing actually.It was a massive hole in the whales body at the top about a metre behind it blow hole.The wound had healed but seriously was a horrible looking hole.Theres only one thing that would do this and every one else agreed- harpoon :angry: F**k the Japs and thre whaling scemes.shame on you jap whalers you bunch of f***ers.

We all took photos of the whale but none of mine really show the hole clearly any of you other fellas got a clear pic I know Warwick took heaps of it.

cheers mick

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great day out Wes do Buckat have a web site? couldnt find one on the Google, nice catch too. The poor whale looks like it was a dorsal fin injury or something your'e probably right about whalers arse oles its about time they woke up too themselves, my son had a japanese girlfriend and she honestly believed it was okay becasue we Aussies kill our Kangaroos and that the whales eat too many of the fish in the oceans we tried to talk to her but it was impossible after years of indocrination, shes back in Tokyo now lol

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daveylad wrote:

great day out Wes do Buckat have a web site? couldnt find one on the Google, nice catch too. The poor whale looks like it was a dorsal fin injury or something your'e probably right about whalers arse oles its about time they woke up too themselves, my son had a japanese girlfriend and she honestly believed it was okay becasue we Aussies kill our Kangaroos and that the whales eat too many of the fish in the oceans we tried to talk to her but it was impossible after years of indocrination, shes back in Tokyo now lol

Buckat list is in the Bfo directory - looks like their website will be up sometime soon :)


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some great looking snapper there, really like the look of the boat too, if any one is gona book a trip on there and there is a spare spot send me a pm coz id definatley like to give it a go but most my mates are to broke for charters lol

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ellicat wrote:

Who's that bloke with the knobby ?...looks like Wes, but I can't see a singlet :laugh:

Sounds like a great day with a great new sponsor with a great looking boat....great!

hahaha cmon now it wasnt winter time at the mbc it was just autumn, now its :laugh: winter so the singlet is under 2 layers lol :laugh:
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jon wrote:

some great looking snapper there, really like the look of the boat too, if any one is gona book a trip on there and there is a spare spot send me a pm coz id definatley like to give it a go but most my mates are to broke for charters lol

jon considering only 4-6 people are needed it may be worth starting up a trip yourself.

With all the memebers on here is a pretty likely thing youll fill the seats quickly if some notice is given.

If not. You dont go and no loss :P


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Well thats 2!

Seriosuly see how easily it can happen.

Someone should start a new thread kicking off a charter.

I would but I have already organised one so I reckon it should be convened by someone actually going on that specific one if that makes sense...


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free2rome2 wrote:

Great report Wes, and congrats on winning this lucky trip.

Nice boat/Kat, did it take the waves well?

Nice 'bend' on your rod, Mick.

Bet all the snaps tasted good... :cheer:

Makes me wanna go on this charter.... soon, real soon...

HAHA cheers Jon. Thats my brissy river outfit fishing 100mtrs of water 12lb line on a 10kg stick :silly: Iwas taking it kinda easy on them that day.

The boat handles great not as smooth as I thought it would be but still a fantastic ride for a tinnie.


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