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New Battery WANTED


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I've read some of the old threads regarding batteries and noticed some of you have recently got new batteries, I'm in the market for a new one or maybe 2 and wondered what you setteled for and if you are happy with them/? Another question is I have 2 batteries linked and one is okay I know that one can drain the other so is it best to get 2 new ones, they are both 70amps hrs can I get a larger ampage say 100 hrs?



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Hey Dave,

I remember a member recently saying that you can get batteries really cheap from some distributors like Century that have slight cosmetic damage but are otherwise perfect.

I can't see you having a problem running a higher capacity battery as long as you have the room to fit it.

As for your second battery (the good one) I wouldn't replace it just yet. Take it to a battery place and they wil test it for you.

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