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Threadfin Salmon in Brissie River


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I'm going for my first night fish on the Brisbane River soon and I was wondering if anyone had some info on the best rigs, baits, lures, spots, tide times etc for threadfin salmon. I'm really keen to land one, but don't worry as I'm a catch and release kinda guy so I'm not gonna pilfer all your fish. Thanks.

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Hi mate, type in thready in the "search forum" amd im sure there will be a few handy reports. Spots?... there's quite alot of places you can go, really depends how far you want to travel. Few spots at west end, heaps at newfarm, few at breakky creek, st lucia.. just to name a few. Night fishing for thready, look for well lit areas or pontoons. chuck a lure in, live or dead prawn and bob's your uncle.

I targeted them for years until i started catchin a few, soon you learn certain tricks or art of catching them.

Lures? - cheap super frog lures from kmart! of course other lures work too, but found the super frogs to be the best so far. You just have to know what colour!

Good luck mate.

Hope to see a thready report from ya soon.



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Hi and welcome to the site! As above, just try a search because the topic has been covered a lot (I myself answered this very question a few months ago :P )

Heavy leader, big circle hook & live bait are key! Just got to find a good spot and then try to land the thing once you hook it!

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