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Schoolies 101 for a Pom


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Hello Peeps!

Can someone explain when/what Schoolies are and how they affect the ambient nature of a surf resort? The Missus was trying to book Byron Bay for around 3rd Dec but came up blank, I had a little surf and saw something about Schoolies around that time. Nightmare, eh? I understand that college grads go berserk, but what dates do they go nutz and is it all around the coast? Any un-Schooly surf areas? Or am I doomed to trekking in a rainforest with her and her sister, me rod hand twitching........

TIA! :kiss:

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Scope wrote:

Ahh Schoolies, that takes me back, best 3 novembers of my life :laugh: :laugh:

Problem is Kev, you get shafted twice, first with Nsw schoolies, then with Qld, because they finish at different times...

You can't really escape them.....

Then theres the cost, basically double the price of any hotel on the coast.

Did you go three times jono? I went twice cause I was 17 the first time so thought bugger it I'll be a tooly and head back at 18 to hit the clubs and the good clubs :P

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I was waiting at the Pearly Gates

But the angels said "It's members only, mate"

St. Peter was shepherding in the meek

But all he said to me was "Schoolies Week."

Lucifer's got issues with Paradise

So he blocked the view with miles of high-rise

Car yards far as the eye can see

And a million teens who think they're free

Schoolies Week

Schoolies Week

In Hell it's always

Schoolies Week

Devil don't need fire and brimstone

His place is full of kids with mobile phones

You still hear weeping and gnashing teeth

But that's just bad E and too much lemon Ruski

Monday!! - Binge drinking

Tuesday!! - The world owes you a living

Wednesday!! - Everyone calls you "man"

Thursday!! - Every car's a Divvy Van

Friday!! - One big Desperate Dateless Ball

Saturday!! - Sorted for Rohipnol

Sunday!! - Wake up with vomit breath

Monday!! - Back to the start again

So you better pray you haven't been bad

Or you could wake up in a "Say No To Drugs" ad

Devil rubs his hands in glee

And in a booming voice shouts: "Fluffy Ducks are on me!"

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