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Another croc sighting nudgee


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Seems like it is a regular newsworthy item, this croc spotted at spot x etc. What do you reckon the chances are of crocs infesting this area? Does global warming make it more possible??? Would sales of kayaks plummet? Is that the whole reason for the newsmongering? Boat dealers, in cahoots with a tv journo with fibreglass croc heads stolen from an aquarium, trying to get yakkers into more expensive boats????????

JMTCW!!! :kiss:

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shortie wrote:

agrres Tom. There was a5 mtrs caugth in the logan river way back wehn. And before the themps started rising here. There is a pic of it and a heap of guys sitting on it.

I believe it is very possible.

I remember as a kid reading about the logan river croc. There was a big write up in the paper and the logan west library had a big deal about it. There where a fair few sittings back then. Our excavator operator had a croc come through his back yard down to the creek (Greenbank) last year, turns out it WAS a pet that belonged to some bloke a few yards up the road.

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