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Finally got me a Jack!

max pwr

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Had a session after work last night at the usual spot at the Coomera, got there a bit before the farmer and using 6lb braid on my 1000 sedona reel with a cooked prawn and jighead. Third cast and Bang!! the reel screamed and managed to land my first jack on the gold coast in years. Super stoked! Went 46 cm on the bragmat.

The fishing was awesome last night. Got 2 flatties 42cm each. Couple of 30ish bream, 40cm trevally, 6 or 7 catfish 50cm plus ( cool fun on 6lb braid ) .

Cut up one of the flatties as bait in a big long fillet and managed a 86cm bullie on that. Then the farmer caught a MASSIVE eel going 140cm, one very very angry sucker too! Amazing how strong the bugger was. Geoff kept it and filleted it and is going to try eating it, the flesh looks really good and we've been told by some people they're good on the chew, we'll let you know.

The water quality is getting back to how it was before the rain and heaps of surface activity all night so at least all the fresh hasn't shut the place down.

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We are fishing up near to sanctuary cove, the water under the m1 is still chocolate milk but further up foxwell rd the water is clear as. WE use a no.3 jighead 1/6 oz and always woolies cooked prawns, best bait ever. Anytime we switch to a sinker/ leader rig we never catch stuff all. It was an accident as I set up the farmer one day with my sp rod and he got sick of using plastics so stuck a prawn on the jighead and started reeling in fish after fish. I think because the fish pick up the bait, feel no resistance from a sinker or anything and just swim off with the prawn and bammo, they're hooked.

Have tried using the prawns as a sp when the current is slow and it works the same but generally the jighead drifts a little anyway with the bait so just cast and leave it alone. The jack smashed the prawn probably as it hit the bottom.

we've caught trevally, cod, jew jacks, whiting, bream, flatties, moses perch, rays, eels you name it the cooked prawns are the gun bait for sure. But only when using real light line and a 6lb trace, switch to a 10 or 15lb trace- no bites.

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