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Finally a fish after a Month


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Well it has been a very quiet month after storms. floods, leaky boats etc.

But repairs were done, weather fined up and it was finally time to hit the water for the great Aussie Day fish!!

Off to Wello point about 4 and out into a bit of a chop but the boast was all good and handled it well (more importantly did not fill up with water like it was):unsure:

Straight off a my Bro in Law has his line screaming and pulls up a good sized reef shark going well over a metre. I was trying to grab it to bring it in for a picture but he was squealing like a girl not to and then the leader broke so argument settled.

We kept fishing along the drop off and hooked up on lots of baby snapper, some pike and 6 more sharks!!!! Made me think about the kids diving off the wharf :blink:

As night fell we headed to the channel between Peel and Wello but it was pretty quiet except for some ocean going catfish (would you believe it!!!) and a couple of rays.

A slow trip back in with a couple of more stops and little snapper and a small sweetlip.

It was great to be on the water again and catching some fish - nome for a feed but all good anyway.

Can anyone give some advise on good areas around Wello? Looks like it may be the local for quite a while until the river comes right


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As you head out from Wello, turn left at the end of the markers. A ledge runs north from there to the beacons closer to green Island. Water changes from 3 to 6/7 metres. Beware of crab pots.

Pity you didn't get the shark onboard for some pics and so your mate could have squealed "Put it in the Bucket, Put it in the Bucket!" :lol:

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