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Trev's a plenty..


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Had some time off earlier this week so went down to the gold-coast and stayed at Jupiter's hotel/casino. In between spending time with the mrs a couple of my mates drove down from bris so we met up and went in search of some new ground..

Found a fishy looking bridge with really fast running water and massive eddies behind it which looked promising. I already had a shallow-diving p21 crack-jack tied on so threw that out and about 5th cast in hooked a decent estuary trevor.. Gotta love that first run after they hit your lure, took a couple mins to get it in and then got one of my friends to jump on the rocks to try and land it, torch on and we spot a roughly 50~ trev on the end of my line!

Wow they put up and awsome fight on 4lb briad 6lb leader (couldn't go lower because of the rocks); anyhoo.. swimming it around and even against the rocks its turning against the current making it a biatch to land when it surges off again and i feel my line rubbing.. *oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiii

i loosen the drag a bit and try to steer it clear but he takes off on another run and luckily? spits the lure so atleast i got it back.

By this time we can see and hear them busting up so we just waited til we saw movement near us and cast in. Landed a 30cm one on the same sr hardbody before changing to surface and landing 3 on a r2s rover avg ~40cm

By this time it was getting really quiet and the water was almost low tide, half-thinking of heading back to the apartment for some drinks we stuck it out for another 30mins and were rewarded! Tied the rover onto my mates rod and he landed his first lure fish! A nice little 35cm trev and he was ecstatic :D

I tied on my fav 38mm DR crack-jack and landed another couple but just being able to see them on the surface chomping bait then casting into the area and instant hookups were so fun! Heaps of missed hits but all in all a very fun sesh, not giant fish but they kept us very busy.

all up landed 1 big ass mud crab, 7 trevs, 3 flatties and 1 loner bream =\

pics are on my mates phone - didn't really have time to stop and take many pics but just waiting for them to come through.


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