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Coomera report 15/3

max pwr

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Finally I got to fish on a high tide for a change, lately I've been fishing when I can but always at the wrong time of the day or tide. Stopped at the local creek for some livies, none there....oh well I can always get a couple of frozen mullet....nope , shop's all out- again:( . So I headed down the bank of the Coomera with some crappy frozen pilchards, a few beers and a couple of rods...beats working.

At least I was there half an hour before the high tide, threw out the cast net a few times for one little herring, put it on 6lb braid with a 25lb mono leader and 5/0 surecatch hook. 10 minutes later after having one good cast with the net and a dozen poddies about 5 inches long my rod was showing some bites.


A good start for the first 10 minutes or so! Threw out a poddie hooked through the lip next and probably half an hour went by and it got smashed! I knew this was a good fish straight away, pulled me down the bank about 50 metres, trying to fight the fish and picking up and throwing my landing net in front of me every few metres so I wouldn't lose it when I got it to the bank. Seriously, this thing pulled and pulled and I was certain my 6lb was gonna break or a knot was gonna slip, I was spewing cos I was certain I was going to lose it and no one with me to see the awesome fight it was puttin up.


Trevally! Turning out to be a good session, another mullet out and another 30 minutes or so then saw some bait getting chased around the general area the mullet was in, picked up my rod and after a minute or so was on again! Quick fight- nothing like the trev but still knew it was a decent fish


JACK!!!! Yeehaaa.

Then it went quiet. On a side note, my other rod had a steel trace and a small sinker and poddies but only got a 50cm cattie and a 4ft eel. Being a slack tide I was able to fish the poddies unweighted on my 6lb rod and they stayed pretty well in place cos of the lack of current. Seems to work:cheer:

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