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some old old photos


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I was having a look back over some old photos and thought I would post a couple

first photo are some mullet we caught in some lake in St Lucia on a hand line at night.



The next photo are some tilapia we used to catch at Bullockys Rest about 20+ years ago. They where a bit bigger than before there got so many. A Few of those where 40 - 45cm and put up an awesome fight.


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geez there huge mullet ted, even back then you still managed to attract the pussy :lol: :lol: :lol:

HAHA if only it worked today :P Yeah the mullet where great. Cut the hell out of my hands bringing them in. It was great looking back on them. Trying to find the picks of the first barra I caught around similar age as well. Hate it when I loose stuff.

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