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Who's been here the longest?


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Was just thinking today whilst pretending to pay attention at uni, who are the oldest members on here? I'm guessing Angus is the oldest, at march 06, the next i thought to look at was THE ray, with june or july 06...I've been on since december 06, was just wondering how i fit in. Figure i must be the oldest, least active active member on here haha

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I joined Dec 06 too. Jeff f was here then and is still active along with BrianD, Reefraider and Tomca to name a few. Occasionally you see Cowfish and MackAttack having a squiz but not saying much.

Funny you mentioned it - I said to Ray the day you went to NPD with him "Is Jords that young fella that used to be on AFO ages ago but hasn't been around for quite a while ?" :lol:

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hahah yeah that;s me, don;t know what happened, kinda lost my way as rowing and study took over :ohmy: .

But it's alright, I'm back and have mended my way :cheer: . As soon as i get my arse into a job, so i can start affording this addiction I will hopefully be posting some slightly more successful trip. For now I have to stick to what I can catch on my el cheapo bargain gear and as far as my car can get me on the petrol light :silly:


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People come and go as is the nature of a forum.

But yeah there are a few 06's still here.

Ash competed in the very first BRC (06) and has made his way back here recently and I was lucky enough to have a fish with him the other day :)

James Wahry doesnt write as much as he used to but is often online as well. Ill be catching up with him soon as well.

Nabs was 06 as well.

A larger crew from 07 remain stalwarts as well even if some of them are a bit quiet.

Do$tylz Feb 07

Rocket Feb 07

Kriso March 07

Stinger Arpil 07

Just just some off the top of my head.


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A larger crew from 07 remain stalwarts as well even if some of them are a bit quiet.

Do$tylz Feb 07

Rocket Feb 07

Kriso March 07

Stinger Arpil 07


I just missed the cut with a May 07 anniversary date

Remember how cosy it was back then, with some good banter, good fishing, good times. And you could almost individually talk about the threads posted and everyone knew which you were talking about.

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yeah well it took me 4 and a bit years to go fishing with a afo member for the first time :(. But definitely keen to start attending a few of the events, was seriously keen for the Borumba trip, but sisters 21st has ruined that...here's hoping for the winter camp!

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19th june 2006....it was a good day...i think it was raining.. :P .i was actually on another fishing site (crap one) and met a guy called angus..rest is history...very soon after met up with angus and ash, made 2 great mates right there!

soon after , terry,pc solutions,ellicat,shortie,do$tyles, and few now ex members..met heaps of top people on this site!

im pretty sure kiwi had been watching my posts back then and stalked me! :P now we are best mates!

so if u had been here since the start jords? why you never been to any "get togethers? :S

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19th june 2006....it was a good day...i think it was raining.. :P .i was actually on another fishing site (crap one) and met a guy called angus..rest is history...very soon after met up with angus and ash, made 2 great mates right there!

soon after , terry,pc solutions,ellicat,shortie,do$tyles, and few now ex members..met heaps of top people on this site!

im pretty sure kiwi had been watching my posts back then and stalked me! :P now we are best mates!

so if u had been here since the start jords? why you never been to any "get togethers? :S

Yeah Jimmy you and Ash would have been the first couple of guys I fished with.

Besides maybe Troy and Ando.


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19th june 2006....it was a good day...i think it was raining.. :P .i was actually on another fishing site (crap one) and met a guy called angus..rest is history...very soon after met up with angus and ash, made 2 great mates right there!

soon after , terry,pc solutions,ellicat,shortie,do$tyles, and few now ex members..met heaps of top people on this site!

im pretty sure kiwi had been watching my posts back then and stalked me! :P now we are best mates!

so if u had been here since the start jords? why you never been to any "get togethers? :S

For me:

Member since

Wednesday, 03 May 2006 14:48

Certainly remember the first year or so, Angus walking around bretts wharf/newstead region with a big knife hanging off his belt

Walking the banks of Stanley River fishing a small creek, which is now well and truly underwater and a dam.

Fishing Baroon Pocket Dam for the first time in a kayak and seein a fella called Lee with a bloody esky on the back of his kayak

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Thats easy everyone knows that the kiwi's have

hahaha lol :P

We said the longest, not too long

hahaha.. I'll pay that one. :silly:

Yep, we've had some people come and go, and we've had the stayers.

Its true though, back in those days I was able to keep up with every thread and knew them inside out. Now with work resonsabilities and hepas more threads its hard to keep up.

There are some classic names and classic times from back then... I can't believe its been that long.

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19th june 2006....it was a good day...i think it was raining.. :P .i was actually on another fishing site (crap one) and met a guy called angus..rest is history...very soon after met up with angus and ash, made 2 great mates right there!

soon after , terry,pc solutions,ellicat,shortie,do$tyles, and few now ex members..met heaps of top people on this site!

im pretty sure kiwi had been watching my posts back then and stalked me! :P now we are best mates!

so if u had been here since the start jords? why you never been to any "get togethers? :S

Good question mate, and i guess I don't really know! I guess between schoolwork and school sport taking up almost every weekend, and on top of that not having access to transport, I could never really make it. But hey, now with uni flexibility and having a car and license, petrol and tackle money is the only barrier! Will be at the winter camp for sure!

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