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Horse snapper


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Gday fishos,

Good friday was just that. Dogpound got to my place at 5.30 and says "dude, i forgot the sounder and gps" Cardinal Sin!!!!!! Anyways, i said we would still go except we would fish old school.

The day was looking mint, we headed out from cleveland straight for the bar. We cut a fine line after peel island and ended up running the skeg into the sand, a couple of minor adjustments and we were back on our way. We go to the bar (what there was of one) and straight out for the halfway line. We started with a couple of drifts and after a bit of trial and error, i ended up with this. A 7 kg snapper( on the bathroom scales. Got a nice parrot too and that was about it. The snapper livend me up as it took off pritty damn hard, After some quick thinking by dogpound, we managed to land him. It was awesome....






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mate i dont think that you can go past a pannie for the table, having said that, he taste pretty awesome. I have given a bit of him away and still have plenty left in the freezer. To be real honest, hard to go past a snapper for the table regardless of what size.

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Awesome snapper Alo - well done. Don't supposed you measured it - I'm trying to guess roughly how long a fish that size would be? Unfortunately all my snapper (well, squire actually!!!!) are measured in centimetres and not kilograms!!!! With a PB of 43cm I have a long way to match that one!!!

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15 to 24 kg wilson live fibre, Shimano tld 20 with 30 lb mono. No leader, just a floating 4 ball and a set of 6/0 mustad big guns ganged together with a pillie. Pretty basic rig man, good knots and there is my tip. Another tip is to fish as light as possible lead wise. I cant give you a gps location coz we did'nt have one..lol

Cheers bro...

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