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mtr plus jew vs daiwa pixie


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Hey Everyone

Took my mate kev for a run on the river the other night to throw around a few threadybuster lures for some jew/snapper or any of the other usual suspects. Night was pretty slow with a few little jew and squire caught untill all hell broke loose when Kev hooked up to a freight train on his little pixie combo, we chased the beast at full speed on the 80lb watersnake which is pretty quick and it was still stripping line like no tommorow! there was a few tense moments with less than a mtr left on the little reel but after a while Kev started to regain his line and the big silver beast was in the net going 105cm beating his past pb by 1cm. We pulled a few more fish during the night but nothing worth mentioning apart from a just undersized jew. Hope you all enjoy the pics.

cheers Tristan




the 105cm


the 72cm


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Was the Pixie ever released in Australia?

And was the Alphas r ED ever released in the USA?

What rod was Kev using and what lb?

Nice fish, I would have filleted it for a feed.

Hey mate yes the pixie reel was released and sold in Aus and the rod is a Pixie also not too sure on the pound rating but its 6.3ft. And sorry i cant help you with your question regarding the alphas r in the US try tackletour.com if it doesnt have your answer you will get a good laugh out of it anyhow .

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