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Breakfast Creek - Jews and Threadins- 02/05/11


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I dedcided to make the best of the pubic holiday today so Me and doss and another mate hit the creek. we got there at 4 to catch some bait. our lines were in by 6 and by 7 we hooked onto our first thready of the day. From that fish we got hookups for the next 3 hours. At the end of the day, i got 2 Pb's from my 2 fish. 51 cm jew and 58 cm thready.

Thanks for reading.





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They are both Polydactylus macrochir.

I was waiting for elops on this one as he knows his fish.

Mate good session, but I think you may have unintentially taken an undersized fish there. Dont make your judgement based on colour as the Threadfin in the river vary greatly from those deep yellow fish to ones that are basically silver.

I think the trick is in the number of "whiskers" or "threads" on the fish. Maybe Elops can confirm this? I believe the Blue Salmon have 4 and the King Threadfin have more..?

To my knowledge there have been no Blue Salmon caught in the Brisbane River at all.

Lets use this thread as a learning experience as the possible mistake was accidental as it was based on a id mistake as opposed to wilful carelessness.



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blue salmon have much shorter whiskers and aren't in the brissy riv as far as anyone knows gus,


dunno about the size ranges they list there but you can see the whiskers in the piccy

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