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Bit more dirty water bass


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While the wife and the dog were sound asleep and I was sick of talking to myself I decided to head for one of the creeks that I knew had a fair bit of traffic over the weekend.

As I thought the bass were well and truly shut down, so it was up to me to wake them up a bit. Blades didnt work,niether did beetlespins, but alas the humble $3.50 frenzy rattler came to the rescue. Managed half a dozen with a couple of 50cm girls in amongst them. Moral of the story dont give up to easy.

Fish while you can






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thanks fellas yep ya gotta hang in there

I tell you Dino you must have caught a S lot of fish in your time...Every post i view of yours you always have a great catch ;):)

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Ihave the scars to prove it ha ha

Are the scars after the wife found out you to talk to yourself sometimes becouse its the only stimulating conversation you can get...or before :woohoo: :lol::lol:

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top work dino where do u get the beetlespins from mate??


I bought these mate, blades are a little bit small, but really quite cheap

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