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thready at brekky


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Hi all, I got some new 8lb braid for my 2500 straddic yesterday and I went down to brekky to see how it casts. There was a group of about 12 people fishing the whole section I wanted to fish so i went for a walk up the creek towards the bridge.

I started off seeing how it threw light jig heads so i tied on a 1/12 and gave it a go. May I just add that I wasn't fishing seriously, I was just seeing how my new braid went. It threw the 1/12 no probs so I decided to try a heavier lure and tied on a green TN50. It cast like a bullet and almost reached the other side.

I could't believe it when it got HAMMERED about mid retrieve!! Man!!! BLISTERING RUNS!!! Had to back the drag off because I could feel the hurt it was putting on my braid. I took my time and finally got it to the bank. Luckily for me there was a guy jogging past who held my rod while I went down to get the fish with my lip grippers.

As I went down to it, off it went again. The jogger freaked and quickly gave it back to me. Second time around it was no problem. After a quick photo (under the bridge lights, my flash broken :( ) I measured it and released it. Took a minute or so to get it going but I think it was fine. I managed to do all of that without the group of 12 200m up the creek even noticing, haha :)

110 cm thready (sorry about the photo)


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