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Kids Love Lizards


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Been a while since I submitted a report. I usually don't travel with the camera and as they say "no photos, it didn't happen", so recently I have submitted few reports. However, with the start of the school hols, & armed with the camera, I took the kids down to Scarborough to flick for lizards. The day before, I bagged out on some good fish, so I was hoping to get them some action.

We started around 2.30pm to fish the incoming. We had one rod, my soft plastic outfit and a packet of 3" Gulp Shrimps in a natural colour and a few 6 gram jigs. We took turns with the rod, and I did the cast for my youngest (Josh, 6 years). The session started slowly, which always worries me with the kids and they started to get restless. We continued to work down the rockwall however.

At around 3pm, my eldest (Connor, 8 years) got the first, a smaller one of around 35cm. Josh helped me with the netting and managed to fall in up to his waste, which certainly woke him up ;) . The kids then looked closely at the barbs and proceeded to release it back (with the help of the lip grippers). We then proceeded to get a couple more smaller ones and repeated the process, teaching the kids about size limits and reasons for returning.


Must have been Karma. We made our way to the mark that I took a few the day before. First cast there, Connor got hit hard. He battled the flathead, while balancing unsteadily on one of a few flat rocks where we fished. I also supported the rod halfway, but made sure he felt the thrill of the fight and the drag pealing line. Long one short and after some heart in the mouth moments, our first keeper was on shore. This one measured 62cm and we quickly killed and bagged it, getting Josh ready for his turn.


I sent Josh's cast in a similar spot and handed the rod to Josh. He did his own unique action and bang, he was on. This one was much bigger and tore the 5kg line off easily. Again I supported the rod halfway and Josh enjoyed the fight for around 2 mins, before the fish headed quickly toward him and not being able to keep up with his winding, the line went slack and it was dropped. While a bit disappointed, Josh wanted to get another cast in. We trimmed the leader (4kg Invisible) and sent another cast out, this time along the base of the rockwall. Again, a fish hit it early in Josh's retrieve and he was on. After a fair fight, the fish came in close to our feet. It was buggered, but somehow managed to drop the plastic in close. As it sat there, I jumped at it and got the net on it. I joined Josh in the "wet from the waste down" club, but he had his first fish on plastic. This one measured 51cm.


I did manage to get in on the action with my own 48cm version, but the afternoon belonged to the kids. I was quietly pleased, when it was them pleading for 1 more cast at the end of the session. Looks like they may be hooked.

Hope the photos work out. I should have taken one of their faces during the fight, as their expressions were priceless, but I was a little busy. Looking forward to the school holidays and more good sessions.


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