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shoverlies and tailor


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Friday night plans of fishing with pancakes_andhaggis ( callum ), my mates binzie and richo had arrived. Every one had arrived by 8.30 and we had a good old chin wag about what we were going to chase and how.

We left my place at around 9.30 and headed down to the sand pumping jetty, stoping into the b.p survo to grab a feed of good old mackers on the the way. Bellies full we pressed on and got to the jetty around 10.30-11.00, set up and started to fish for yakka to put out on the bigger rods.

While we were waiting for the big rods to screem of we went and had a fish for tailor, and we came well prepaired for them with traces already made up and 2 blocks of pillies. First cast, bang I was on, and up came a good chopper of around the 45cm mark, took the hooks out and back into the water it wentwe all caught afew tailor when zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and it was a mad rush to the rods. First their was richo, up went the lever and the hook was set, zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zz zzzz wind wind zzzz wind zz and so on 2 mins later I lowered my home made tail rope pole and roped it and hauled it up. A nice 4 ft white spot shoverly that was released

We reset the rod and continued on fishing for tailor and not 5 mins later zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and a mad rush once more. Callum got to the rods this time and sunk the hook and after another quick fight I tail roped another 3.5-4ft shoverlie took a photo and released it.

Once again We reset the rod and continued on fishing for tailor. It was another 30 mins went past and zzzz zzzzzzzz zz z zzzz. Binzie was at the rod at the time and he picked it up, felt a little bit of weight and struck, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, beeeeeeeeeeeep out comes the the f bomb, I lost it, he said. He wound it in and he had been bitten of. I tied another trace on and reset the rod. This happened another 2 time in quick succession so their must have been some school sharks around.

The bite dropped of for about an hr when the tyrnos 30 screamed.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, I pick up the rod and struck and the reel screamed, the rod was bent and the line was whistling and I was on big time. My heart was racing, the adrenalin was pumping and their was excitement in the air.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and on and on zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It was a back and forth tug of war for around 15mins when. Beep a beep beepen beepen, yeh and so on… pulled the hook o well you win some and loose some, tipical it is always the big one ( why is that )??????.

And way I composed myself, re-baited it and continued fishing for tailor. 10 mins later and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and it was binzie their again. Hook set and after a short fight up comes another small shoverlie again around the 3.5 ft mark. Another quick photo and it was released.

Binzie just finished reseting the rod and one of te other rods goes of next to him. With the fish hooked it was a basic fight and up comes a 3ft shoverlie.

Anyway to cut a long story short we ended up with 7 shoverlies, 3 bite offs, one pulled hook and 60+ tailor all released bar 12 which we shared between us 4 ( 3 fish each ) more than enough.

Anyway hear are some photos and vids.

Cheers kurt








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Yum, nice bit of flake. Dad and I went there last night, live bait was very hard to come by but we got two tailor which were rigged up and sent out and a couple of yakkas. Our livies didn't get touched but a regular we know down there got a 7/8 footer bully (by the looks from up high) which rapped him on the post. I noticed a lot of rulers being used last night and after talking to the regulars they had said the fisheries had been frequenting the joint suddenly and issuing a lot of fines, which is good to hear. I only saw 1 bucket with undersized bream out of the 100+ people that were there last night.

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Yum, nice bit of flake. Dad and I went there last night, live bait was very hard to come by but we got two tailor which were rigged up and sent out and a couple of yakkas. Our livies didn't get touched but a regular we know down there got a 7/8 footer bully (by the looks from up high) which rapped him on the post. I noticed a lot of rulers being used last night and after talking to the regulars they had said the fisheries had been frequenting the joint suddenly and issuing a lot of fines, which is good to hear. I only saw 1 bucket with undersized bream out of the 100+ people that were there last night.

that is so good to hear.

if you cant get yakkes their use legal whiting

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Good session with a fair bit of entertainment for you guys. :woohoo:

Even a smile for the camera on the vid (with a tongue poke too) :P:lol:

Are the white spot shovelies the tasty ones ?

no, your dreaming, their was no smile..... hehehehehehehe :silly: :silly: :silly: :silly:

mate they are very very tasty.......

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Yum, nice bit of flake. Dad and I went there last night, live bait was very hard to come by but we got two tailor which were rigged up and sent out and a couple of yakkas. Our livies didn't get touched but a regular we know down there got a 7/8 footer bully (by the looks from up high) which rapped him on the post. I noticed a lot of rulers being used last night and after talking to the regulars they had said the fisheries had been frequenting the joint suddenly and issuing a lot of fines, which is good to hear. I only saw 1 bucket with undersized bream out of the 100+ people that were there last night.

that is so good to hear.

if you cant get yakkes their use legal whiting

I have been using whitting as well with mixed results.

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love the report kurt made a decent 5 minutes reading and was pretty spot on to what happened~! apart from you didnt mention the two that i lost!! haha

really enjoyed the night with you lads thanks again for the invite, have to jump on a boat trip with you lot and catch the big boys!



to easy mate, i will let you no when i am goin out next

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Excellent fishing. i have never seen Shovies that big caught at the SPJ or anywhere. You got their after I already left. Strange day on friday as the bigger tailor were been caught up to about 3pm with barely anyone there. A fisho who was very unprepared[light line busting off] left with 4 tailor almost 50cm each and the biggest bream I have seen all season[38-40cm].

Fisheries issued approx $3200 in fines on Wednesday. Thats was for the Jetty and lower rocks. That is no typo. They came on the Jetty at about 6pm and then staked out in the car park for another 2-3hrs !!

Looks like the hurricane winds brought the 'throw everything in the esky' crew out in force

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Excellent fishing. i have never seen Shovies that big caught at the SPJ or anywhere. You got their after I already left. Strange day on friday as the bigger tailor were been caught up to about 3pm with barely anyone there. A fisho who was very unprepared[light line busting off] left with 4 tailor almost 50cm each and the biggest bream I have seen all season[38-40cm].

Fisheries issued approx $3200 in fines on Wednesday. Thats was for the Jetty and lower rocks. That is no typo. They came on the Jetty at about 6pm and then staked out in the car park for another 2-3hrs !!

Looks like the hurricane winds brought the 'throw everything in the esky' crew out in force

back in the day when you were allowed to keep the bigger shoverlies and sharks we used to send out big green backs for bait and it wasnt uncommonfor us to catch shoverlies over 8 ft biggest being 11ft of their......yum yum

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I have always thrown back my shoverlies as I heard they are no good to eat... by the way, what is the legal size for shovelies? and do they have a bag limit, I've never kept any before and now am considering trying for a feed of flake...



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I have always thrown back my shoverlies as I heard they are no good to eat... by the way, what is the legal size for shovelies? and do they have a bag limit, I've never kept any before and now am considering trying for a feed of flake...



Size limit (cm)

Bag limit

Sharks and rays

1.5 m max


Sharks and rays exceptions

Great white sharks

Grey nurse sharks


Speartooth sharks

No take

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