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29/6/11 Pin flatties with Flexo


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Left with the boat in tow in what seemed the middle of the night- 5.00am!! with high expectations of high winds and rain.Got to Cabbage Tree at sparrow fart and we weren't disappointed. 10-15 but at least it wasn't raining, that little weather gem was to grace us later.

A 15 min. run and we hit the first drift.I got a hit second cast and not long after, Dayle netted a 48cm.

The rain decided the boat was too dry and needed a good clean so it visited us on numerous occasions. Luckily the fish were still hitting the 4" prongs with gusto so we were willing to put up with the trauma.

Dayle decided on a move to another one of his sure fire spots and as soon as we got there I hooked a 70+ and after a couple of times of having her nearly within netting distance she chewed through the leader and off she went. Lets just say the language was at least MA15+ and repeated many times. As I gave the 1000 Twinpower a clean when I got home I pulled the spool off to see what it was loaded with and it was 3lb crystal with 8lb leader, so it really was taking a knife to a gunfight.

We boated 10 flatties and a couple of bream. Dayle got the 60cm and we had 4 in the livewell when we decided the ramp was our next destination as the horizontal rain had finally beaten us about 10.30am

After putting the boat on the trailer in a good 15-20kn. the heater blasted us all the way home to thaw out.

When home at Dayles the first flatty went straight in his fishtank that any state school would be happy to call their swimming pool and the others were put on the mat for the photos.

Cracker morning with a few challenges but overall well worth the effort.


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Love to see a photo of that tank too flexo.

Times 2 on that photo.

Well done on the flat ones - lets hope all that rain over Summer produces a bumper Flattie season. Has been a good start so far, although plenty of undersize around at the moment.


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