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Breakfast Creek - Pb Flathead


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Hey everyone.

I went down to breaky creek today for a thready or jew with a few mates. Had Two great hits in the first 5 mins but they got busted off from knot malfunction and bit off. I had no hit for a 3 hour period then i got smashed. Pulled up a nice 65cm flathead which is my pb and would have been the bigest thing i have ever caught if i didnt get my 112cm eel yesterday. my mates also caught a small jew which was his first one and his bigest fish he has caught so he was pretty happy and also a small thready.

Thanks for reading



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Good couple of days for you with the eel and the flatty. Good work, can I ask round abouts what the time of day you were fishing and what the tide was doing?

the tide had about 1hr left on the ran out, it was around 2.00-2.30

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