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mooloolabah sesh friday night


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me and my mate richo and another guy hit mooloolabah friday night for some bream on blades and s.p's, well thats what we thort. we got their around 8.30, just on high tide and started fishing. first 3 drops, bite offs... grrrrr their goes $40 worth of lures straight up... bloody pike. so i tied another blade on and as it was fluttering down, smack zzzzzzzzz and up comes a tailor...arrrrr, this is the culprates that are hitting our lures.... anyway, we carry on fishing in the rain i might add, and the tld50 with a whole pike goes zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, picked the rod up hit that leavin and suck the hooks, well it took a quick 30m of line ans then went "nah" you got no chance and took another 30m and wraped me around a pylon...bugga... ow well you win some, and you loose some.we stuck around for another 40mins and headed off. we ended up with 40+ tailor, 20 pike, butter bream, and some good donk bream..... + 15 blades and a heap of s.p's lost due to tailor f=hitting them on the flutter.... so all in all a cold went and expencive night, but we got out and fished atleast.....











p.s lot of the tailor fad either fresh or healed bite marks on them


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Kurt, where abouts did you try for them.Seems as though it's a nice spot at the moment to grab a catch. Well done pity about the loss of your lures.Maybe better to lose a couple of dollars on bait rather than a heap of coin on lures.

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another echo... beautiful bream. :silly: in great condition as well. Not usually one to care whether a a fish is kept or not but would be nice to know if it made back into the water but can fully understand if you guys kept, it is a true trophy fish at 50.

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Well done mate massive bream!! Sorry I bailed weather looked aweful

And had a work function with free drinks, easy choice in the end :)

mmmm free drinks or fishing... hands down fishing for me, i dont drink alcohol. mate next time then ay... did you end up hitting the point

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another echo... beautiful bream. :silly: in great condition as well. Not usually one to care whether a a fish is kept or not but would be nice to know if it made back into the water but can fully understand if you guys kept, it is a true trophy fish at 50.

yuk...bream... i release 90% of fish. its still swimming around

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