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Goldy Salmon 1/8


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Hey all,

Went for a quick sesh down the Goldy today. The plan was to launch at 6 and attempt to chase a Jew or 2 at the seaway. I ended up sleeping in accidently and woke up at 5:30 so made it to the ramp a bit later then expected. Kendall made a last minute decision to join me down there and was going to meet me a bit later.

Got to the seaway around 7:30 and it was a bit too rough for my liking so I moved to another spot nearby. Throwing some bigger lures in the hope of something that pulls drag. Started off with a bream about 30cm on a 3inch Shrimp and 20lb leader in crystal clear water :blink: So much for finesse!

It wasnt long before there was some surface action near me, I missed the first bust up.. as it always happens in the rush of picking up my rod with the metal on I managed to tangle it... :unsure: Soon after I spotted another bust up and fired a cast out and skipped the metal on the surface and hooked up! :woohoo:

The fish put on a great fight, taking me about 15min to land on 6lb braid and 10lb leader and my Nordic Stage Sharpshooter. It took heaps of screaming runs and really had me hoping all my knots would hold..

Now I thought I had the GoPro filming all of this but unfortunately it wasnt on and I missed the whole fight! :blush: Luckily I took a few pics with my phone to send to a few people. Not the greatest pic but Im glad I got one at least. The salmon went just under 60cm.

After this I picked up Kendall and we fished a few different spots for a dozen or so bream, and a few tailor around 45cm which were good fun on the light gear. Kendall finished up with a nice GT on a... interesting lure :huh: Im sure he will post up the pic.

Ended up being a nice little session. Only got the pic of my salmon and theres some footage of the tailor and bream we caught I mite edit up a bit later and post it up.



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Great lure...for places like Weipa!!! What exactly did you expect to encounter with that lure - can't believe you managed to land something on it at the Goldy... awesome effort.

Great fun the Salmon - but can be frustrating to chase at times too.


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Great lure...for places like Weipa!!! What exactly did you expect to encounter with that lure - can't believe you managed to land something on it at the Goldy... awesome effort.

Great fun the Salmon - but can be frustrating to chase at times too.


ahaha yeh just threw it out for sh!ts n giggles n managed a trev in a bust up lol.

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