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And The Winners Are...........?????


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These 2 guess the weight/length comps if nothing else should prove once and for all that it is impossible for an outsider to catagorically state how big a fish is based on a photo. There are many errors which creep into photography depending on the focal length, parallax errors, the type of lens used, distance away, digital zoom settings and many many more.

Fish, like humans come in all shapes and sizes and its really not worth arguing the point about is it better to catch a 61cms Bass or a 3.65kg Bass - who cares? Both are brilliant fish.

So the moral of my story is this - just accept what people tell you in good faith and dont hang them based on some dodgey evidence. We are talking about a fish here not something that a persons life depends on.

ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY the winners are as follows:


Wesfish for correctly guessing that the Jew weighed 15kgs


Nobody guessed the correct length but the closest 2 people were NOG and KD who both guessed 56.5cms. The actual length of the fish was 54cms to the fork but it was INCREDIBLY FAT AND IF YOU LOOK AT ITS TOP TO BOTTOM MEASUREMENT ITS HUGE,hence the reason it was so heavy.

Winners can collect their prizes from us any day next week. Please give Ben or myself a call on 3806 3436 to make a time,


Mike Cole


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