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Bremmer bass weekend with slimy friend

T Fisher

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had to work Saturday all day and half day sunday. But good news close to home and 7.00am starts so I had a chance for a short session each morning before starting and also sunday afterwork.

Got down to my local about 5.45 Sat morning couldn't get anything in my usual hole so headed down stream into the rapids and managed this little fella from under the foam.



Had to leave by 6.30 to make it to work.

alarm didn't go off on Sunday morning(user error) but still managed to get to my no2 spot by 6.00 I caught this little one on the first cast.


Thought that was a good sign. Stayed in that spot for 20 mins and had no more luck.Walked down stream around the corner with 5 mins before I had to leave had a few casts with no luck then did a freaky back handed cast around behind a snag on the same bank I was standing on. Straight away I thought bugger I have lost this lure no way I can wind back past that snag without getting caught up. Then bang as soon as I started to wind this good feela picks up my lure and swims straight out away from the bank towards the middle of the creek away from the snag. He didn't seem to know he was hooked un till he came back in towards my feet then he turned it on for a short while wanting then to go home to his snag but I got the better of him. He went just a tad over 40cm.



After releasing him I realised it was 6.45 and I headed of to work.

The job was done by 11.30 went home took the missus and kids out for lunch and a bit of shopping. Got back from there at 2.30 then proceeded back to Spot no1 for an afternoon session. They were hard to find again only managed one bass on a super bass lure I had just bought While out.


Hadtwo more strikes in same spot on same lure but no hookups. Flogged the hell out of that hole again with a few other lures with no luck. Decided to go back to the rapids and try there again hsd no luck with bass but this big eel grabbed my lure and I had a hell of a time getting him in through the fast water flow.Here is a picure of my poor rod all loaded up with him at the other end.


He somehow managed to start winding himself up with my 6lb fireline and I was then pulling him in from the side in the current . Managed to land him largely because of how the braid was wrapped around it I don't think my leader would have stood up to the lift. I got a photo of it before he proceeded to slither away. My hands and phone case were covered in slime trying to get this picture. The bloody things just wont sit still. mearured him with my mat holding it over him I recon he went about 90cm.


Got home at 5.00 and took the family up the park for a BBQ dinner (after washing eel slime off hands for 10mins) All up not a bad weekend kept the boss happy kept the family happy but most of all got some fun fisshing in also.

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