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Aquarium Chiller


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Hey callum. In the meantime while waiting for a chiller, if you're not already doing this, run a fan blowing over the top of your tank. It will knock a couple of degrees off. You'll have to top up more than normal but it will keep your tank cool.

I'll see what a mate has with chillers. Any price range?

Is that a 3x2x2?

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What Do$tylz said.

Evapouritive cooling from a fan is very effective and 28.5 degrees is not that hot. In my reef tank days Iwould only panic when water temp would reach 30 degeress. What kind of lighting are you running? If your'e not running metal halides yu might get by without a chiller providing your place doesnt get too hot.

The best place to get a chiller would have to be Guppy's online. About half the price of aquarium shops. Stick to a known, proven brand as some don't use titanium coils and will corrode and leach toxic byproducts into your aquarium.

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Hi guys tank is only 4 mOnths old and I'm only 4 months old in the hobby!!!

I'm running 2 10k kelvin tubes for 8 hours a day and 2 t5 tubes for 10 hours a day.

At the moment I've just got some lfs in there ,,, the idea being i only want easy corals to care for and don't want to spend the world on rare corals when I'm sure being a newbie three will be the odd fatality

I'm looking for something under 250$ hopefully

I'll get s Dan working on it tonight .. Ideally I'm told around 26 oc is good??

I might upgrade to LEDs soon dependent on price and added performance

Thanks chsps

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You are right around 26c is ideal but nothing will happenas long as its not over 30.

Even with LED lights you are likely to have some temp issues on extra hot days as even pumps heat aquarium water up to some extent.

Don't know how you have your sump setup but if you have a trickle filter that will provide quite decent cooling.

Checkout: http://www.guppysaquariumproducts.com.au/chilling-heating/hailea-chillers/cat_27.html

The one for $299 would probably be adequate.

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agree with all of the above. Also, if you're ever looking at replacing your pumps as they die (or just upgrade) there's a newish pump out there that has the motor on the outside of the glass and it spins the fans via magnets to the blades inside. Keeps the warm motors outside the water. I can't remember the brand but any reputable aquarium will be able to help.

Small fan or big fan, anything blowing over the top of the water will help. You'll be surprised how efficient it is. A bank of PC fans will even work.

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Dostylz: I think your talking about the vortech range of pumps. Quite expensive, and have their faults. Many have turned away from them as some last only a few years. But they do have some nice features.

Last summer I kept my tank under 28C using some strong PC fans. Was probably helped by the weather always being cloudy/raining. I try to keep my tank around 25C.

Anyways where are you located? I have a spare chiller but not sure if its still running as I have had it in storage after running on my tank since early 2010, might just need to get it regassed. Its a resum CL-450 with only 3 of its rubber legs and a crack in the corner.

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