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Wednesday - Redland Action


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I had a pretty long day on the yak today! Got up at 2:40 for a 3am departure from my place to be on the water around 4am @ Redland Bay.......

Was going to catch up with Ryan, but he was a bit sleepy.......

Anyway, got there and launched no dramas, at the bottom of the tide..... and headed out towards snipe Island to try and score some fish around the drop offs and as the low lying areas fell to the rising tide!

Forgot my anchor too, which was irritating as the tide really moves through there!

Anyway, first bait into the water was a mullet on a two hook gang....... something hit it pretty hard.... and the bait was gone.......

re-rigged and landed a little hammerhead...... this was released as it was pretty small, and I figured that if you can only keep 1 shark, it may as well be a bit bigger.....

re rigged, and within about 2 mins.... I was being towed around..... this lasted about 15 - 20 mins.... and ping.... the leader fell victim to some sharp teeth i believe.... it was frayed and scuffed up pretty bad.......so re rigged and a similar story, although no towing.....big hits, and nothing left......

anyways, I decided that I didn't want to spend all morning rigging up for toothy critters..... well not these ones anyway!

So I decided to have a wander around and see if I could score something else..... things were pretty quiet for a while, and in the shallows, I thought i saw mullet jumping.... but nope, it was some chopper action, so I decided to rig up a little slug and see if I was able to entice them.... fired off a cast, and then my other rod went off.... so let the slug sit, while I proceeded to have the hooks thrown on whatever it was on the other one.....

Back to the slug, well by now I had drifted a fair way.... as I picked up the rod out of the rod holder, off went the slug.....into the yak came a nice flatty...... hmm that was strange I thought, lets see if it works again.... back up current, drop the slug and jig it around.... bam, another flatty..... ended up landing three this way, and dropping a couple more....

On goes the SP.... managed to catch my first fish on a SP.... in a flatty :) it was good to finally have some SP luck.....

Anyway, i wandered the area for a while longer and picked up a little squire and a tailor.... perfect size for my son to eat.....

overall it was a great day, and I was home around 4pm... so a damn long day




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Wow, long day alright! But definitely worth it. Well done mate. Geez, i would have been happy to hang around for whatever was chomping on your bait..big bites = big fish. curiosity kills :lol::lol: nevertheless, awesome sesh mate.


Well, I considered it..... but had gone through a few rigs of 100 lb leader with three Gamakatsu 6/0 gangs, and after being towed around it certainly was a powerful beast..... that i figured was going to be too big and nasty to bring aboard the yak....and after that 20 minutes of the previous tow.... it didn't even look as though it was fatiguing ... was still running very hard !

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Sounds like you had a ton of fun but 12 hours in a yak just sounds too much like hard work to me :pinch: Those little hammers are one of the nicest tasting sharks I have come across when well bled out. On the gear you were using it sounds like it was a pretty big bitey, would have been interesting had you got it alongside to say the least :woohoo:

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