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A word of warning


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Hi Everyone

I would just like to share my recent experience with my 7 month old 3ltr GU patrol. For the first time I this holidays I was able to take the patrol out of the city for its first road trip from Brisbane to Cairns.

The drive up went well but on the day after we arrived the clutch on my patrol started to slip and within 5km the patrol was totaly immobalised and unable to be moved a few mtrs let alone limp to the nearest dealer. After a 5km walk i managed to get some service on the phone and called roadside assist who were very helpfull and had the car towed to the Cairns dealer that same afternoon so i thought ok some bad luck but Nissan will take care of it.. well that did not end up being the case.

I was informed a week later that Nissan would not cover the clutch under warrenty and given a $4000 bill for another standard clutch and by this time i was allready meant to be back in Brisbane at work the day before.

I had no choice but to pay up and thought i will take this up with my local dealer who i purchased it off and Nissan Australia as soon as i get home.

Once back home I went to see the dealer i purchased it from and they were helpfull and said they would recomend it was a warrenty issue also but once it went back to nissan Australia they denied me my claim once again.

Just to put this in perspective this Patrol has been offroad twice in its short life once in bribie and once in straddie and has only ever towed my small alloy boat to the ramp once or twice a month.

In my past I have put over 330 000 on my old manual pajero and have never burnt out a clutch out in any vehicle. I have now lost all faith in this vehicles reliability and will deffinatly not be recomending or purchasing new car again from Nissan.

Thanks for reading.


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A mate is also going through similar warranty problems with the paint on his new Navara 550, they won't honour the warranty either so the solicitors are getting involved.

Shame you had to fork out $4k to get a standard clutch, an Exedy (or something similar) clutch would have fixed your woes and been a much better item. I guess you were hoping that Nissan would have refunded you or something.

I've had nothing but a good run with Nissan (my fourth one now), out of manufacturer warranty now but the dealer warranty has taken over and they've been top notch (aircon resister replaced).

Let us know how you go, seems to be a common issue with Navaras at least in regards to soft clutches odd to hear that about a Patrol. Will you be fighting it?


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Tristan that sux mate. You are not alone either.


Stick to your guns and you should be able to get Nissan to foot the bill.


Nissan clutches are not much chop. The lift is irrelevant...........it's a stalling tactic. Get them to pull it out and measure it. At 17k, if it's not worn, and there's NO sign of abuse, it can't be your problem.

Nissan replaced my clutch (1999 GU 4.2td) at 56k, but that was a few years ago, and it took several months of arguing. Hold your ground, and be nice. They need to prove wear or abuse.

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My Old Man had the same problem with his 3l GU but he tows a van but buy the same toke when we were kids he towed a lot bigger van all over QLD with a old Valiant and and the clutch was never touched. My GU has the 4.2td and has been bullit proof so far drive train wise but the dash is a piece of shite with blisters all over it

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Unfortunately clutches fall under general wear and tare, I know of a few people who have had the exact issue with faulty clutches and diffs and the dealers, not just nissan, have not taken care of it, unfortunately its not uncommon :( I have one of those Denco sports clutches in my gu patrol which was 1200 fitted, its the ducks nuts off road.

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Unfortunately clutches fall under general wear and tare, I know of a few people who have had the exact issue with faulty clutches and diffs and the dealers, not just nissan, have not taken care of it, unfortunately its not uncommon

However for a car 7 months old Nissan would need to prove it was a worn item due to abuse. It sounds like the old clutch will be all the evidence needed. If it's shot and has serious wear then I'd say bad luck. BUT....if it measures within normal wear parameters and doesn't shown signs of abuse then I'd say Tristan has a good case and Nissan would need to cover under warranty.

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Unfortunately clutches fall under general wear and tare, I know of a few people who have had the exact issue with faulty clutches and diffs and the dealers, not just nissan, have not taken care of it, unfortunately its not uncommon

However for a car 7 months old Nissan would need to prove it was a worn item due to abuse. It sounds like the old clutch will be all the evidence needed. If it's shot and has serious wear then I'd say bad luck. BUT....if it measures within normal wear parameters and doesn't shown signs of abuse then I'd say Tristan has a good case and Nissan would need to cover under warranty.

For sure, 7 months is crap.

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uld be asking for the old clutch to be sent to you and inspected by a 3rd party . It could be an assembly issue and they wont admit it .

Clutches dont let go in 7 mths even if occasionally use incorrectly .

Sounds like a assembly / cheap ass part issue that they know is out there but don't wanna hit a re-call about it .

same thing happened with the GQ front brake lines exploding . full recall after alot of people complained

Stick to your guns and ask around . Push the dealer into a corner about it and let them know you will be telling everyone you see about the problem you had . even tell people in their showroom what happened and as soon as the customers start to leave it will change their tune .

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i would be questioning the labour charges as even at $120 /hr thats still 10 hrs to fit a clutch ??? any average joe with a bit of mechanical skills that has done a clutch would take 3 -4 hrs at most . i know the patrol boxes are heavy as hell but $1200 in labour is a rort . Most GQ clutchs are $1200 fitted including parts , heavy duty clutch kit , machined flywheel and labour at any mechanics

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Like KAF pretty much all manufacturers a re a pain in the arse when it comes to clutch failure.

Most cars have piss weak clutches these days as they are often a compromise between durability and drivability and they are an intentional sacrificial weak link in the drive train to prevent damage to other bits and pieces. e.g. diffs.

In your position I would write a letter to nissan asutralia demanding a refund. If that fails take them to small claims tribunal. Won't need to spend thousands on solicitors.Will cost you about $50 to lodge a claim and they aren't allowed legal representation either.

PS $4k is a fricking joke. Do parts suddenly cost $3k?

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I purchased the Patrol from highway nissan at springwood and the dealer that put my case to nissan and did the costly repare was wesco nissan in cairns... Wesco knew they had me screwed and i needed it fixed asap to get home after stuffing me around for a week.

I would go to springwood and demand they re-imburse the cost to you as they sold you the car . tell them to re-coup their costs from the other dealer that shafted you or nissan australia .Tell them if it isn't rectified you will drive the car back onto their showroom through the glass window :) Seriously cause chaos in their showroom and go off and make sure other potential clients hear you and what happened to a car with 23000 k's on it . Bad critism is a revenue killer for any car dealer , first hand views from an angry customer not being looked after to any prospective buyer is a walk out the door moment .

Remember there is $50 k worth of hassle under your ass everytime you drive it when you feel you may aswell give up , that will fire the drive for more dealer directed abuse from you . ;)

Don't play their game , make them play yours .

P.S park the car across their driveway and tell them the clutch is stuffed

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I have been to springwood and they did recoment to nissan Aus that i get my money refunded but since they did not do the repares they personaly cant refund me and i accept that. I am thinking of getting a massive sign saying something like " dodgy clutch" or "im a lemon" made up for the patrol and parking it in front of the big nissan dealers in brisbane on the weekends.

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What about taking the wesco to small claims in Brisbane.They will be looking straight away at $1-2000 for flights. It would mot take much to prove they doubled or tripled the labour charge according to most repair times people have stated. I think they should see the light pretty quickly. Just make sure you get the old clutch back first for evidence. Its pretty easy to grab an older clutch from another vehicle if negotiations go sour with a customer.

Letters to the editor at cairns post and the other local newspapers stating how lovely people in cairns are, how great it was except for a car dealer who had you by the short and curlys and for that reason you will never go back up there.

A bit of bad publicity as others have said can go a long way.

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Sell it and buy a Hilux mate :P Although their clutches are crap too. Mr Toyota seems not to question much when replacing clutches under the 3 years or 100 000 k's warranty or what ever it is.

Maybe join a Patrol site if not already, am sure someone would have been in that situation before that maybe able to help you. I can't believe it was not fixed under warranty, what a joke. Make a nice sign for the rear window to warn others of their crap after sales service. When my clutch decides to go, will be going aftermarket. All the best.


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I had a similar issue with a brand new motorbike..... in that the gearbox crapped out after about 3500km..... was told that it was due to abuse... they pulled the engine out and took it to the manufacturer.... who reportedly pulled it down and determined that it was rider abuse.... due to me doing some track days on it......

I pointed out to them that their whole marketing campaign was based on it being a 'race bike' for the road... and that I would not accept their baseless claims... informed them of the web domain that I had now reserved, the number of persons that I worked with, and that I would be taking it as far as I required to do..... to have them honour their two year unlimited km warranty.......

A day or so later, a guy that I worked with went in there and mentioned that word had already started promulgating around the office about the lack of support....... and that quite a few guys were now looking at purchasing other makes.... as it was not the first time they had heard of poor support from the manufacturer.....

needless to say, that a couple of days later I got a call that informed me my bike would be covered as a good will gesture and that it was a one off.... It would be back together within 48hrs......

All was happy in the end..... the thing is, the dealer were actually quite good during it all.... although I am often sceptical that they actually do what they say... after all they are professional sales people...

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