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First fish for barra open season, didn't take long


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Went here this morning (Machans beach) with AFO member benno who now lives in Cairns down the road from me


We started fishing about 1030 and were chasing salmon with live mullet and prawns got in the creek nearby. By about 1130 hadn't had a touch and I was starting to question Ben about the state of his mojo as I NEVER have to wait that long for a run. Thought I'd give yabbies a try as they are my gun bait at that spot, so walked over to the creek and pumped a handful. My first yabbie was hammered straight away and saw a BIG shape out of the corner of my eye do a jump before powering off up the beach on a big run with me running behind shouting "metre plus salmon! metre plus salmon!" Anyway after a bit got it in close up towards the creek mouth where it started to pop this big head and gob out of the water doing the gill rattle, so then I started shouting "metre plus barra!" Now this fish was meant to be landed (probably to make up for my shocking season of bustups last year :blush: ) and finally got it in close enough on the 8 pound fireline to get a decent look. I could then see it was in the 80's but the fattest fish I have ever caught in the 80's, I reckon it had to be getting close to 10kg. Anyway finally tired it out and surfed it onto the beach. Quickly checked my watch to see it hit the beach at exactly 12:01! 1 minute into the season being open! Haven't kept a barra in a while so this one came home to be turned into a few meals. Ended up going 83cm so a very satisfying start to the season!



And here's a jack we got on the weekend in between bustoffs at barra corner. how grossly overweight is this thing


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Gobsmackingly awesome mate! Once again you've made me insanely jealous with the great fishing up there while us southeners are pulling catties out of rivers full of chocolate breakas :( I wonder how a jack gets that fat? They must be the aquatic equivalent of a bloody labrador . I bet that barra is delicious too :cheer:

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Awesome stuff mate absolute cracker and what a great start to the season did you get a brag may shot for fotm?

Bugger, didn't realise (or expect) barra to be FOTM! Guess I'll have to go out and catch another one now :ohmy: Can I pull it out of the fridge and take a photo with the hand sign now?

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Went down again to the same spot this morning for an hour before the monsoons started, sorry to Bennno and Jaymz for no invites, had the dogs and the missus with me so full car. On arrival four WBB guys there already and 3 barra caught between them, all in the 70's. pulled hook on one barra in the 70's on a live mullet- not unhappy as got to see it on a few jumps and would have released anyway, and the missus got stuck into half a dozen little jew (similar to river perch), plus a little 35cm blue salmon, all on prawns. Looks like its gonna be a good season, shame word's getting out to the WBB though.


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