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Mixing it up a Bit


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Been pretty busy with work/uni/coaching lately so haven't had a whole lot of time to get a fish in. Polished off 2 assignments after training this morning so headed out for a fish! Was keen for a pre fish before the Bribie KFT on sunday, but really couldn't be bothered to drive to bream water for a 2 hour session (and couldn't fish bribie anyway), so decided to go bream fishing in bass creeks!

Ant and I were talking about how well we thought little stick minnows would go on bass during our session the other day, so decided to throw a shinku around this arvo and have a crack. Was a little nervous about the size of them, that the bass would scoff them first down.

I was put at ease when the first 2 solid hits failed to hookup, and I pulled the hooks on the third :pinch: .

However next fish was a bit of an eyeopener, a just legal fish, with not much of the lure showing!

Managed to extract it without too much damaged, mostly because of the huge gob on these things, and it kicked off quickly (so fingers crossed). Was a bit of blood though :(



Half a dozen cast later, got onto a little rat, which was built like a brick house! Must have only gone >20, but managed to strip some drag off a pretty well tightened stradic! This one hadn't scoffed it as deep and was just lip hooked :)



Threw a cast in this little hole


And hooked up 3 twitches in. Took me straight down and across and into those lovely looking snags, and gooonnneee! :angry:

Got a few more fish throughout the day, so I'm thinking if I throw some bigger wide-gape trebles on, might help avoid deep hooking.

Also, as I paddled past a house thats by the water, saw a cast net bucket :angry::angry::angry::angry: . Thought I'd give them some credit though, hoping that they were just using it as a bucket. Until on the way back I saw the cast net was just sitting up higher on the bank!

Was so tempted to just slash it, the pricks. Might have to leave a rather stern letter on their deck on wednesday when I'm going back through

On a lighter note, I did manage fish off the last snag, which was a beautiful colour too.




Will give the shinkus more of a run next week when I'm heading for another marathon session with a mate from work. Will hopefully have bigger trebles on them by then!



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