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Scarborough Reef 20.07.2012


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Well it's been a while since I've posted, mainly because I haven't been out and we have an addition to the family; a baby girl, so time has been scarce.

Anyway a mate and I headed out to Scarborough Reef on Friday morning hoping to beat the change. We weren't successful on beating the change but we were successful on the fish front. Hit the water around 6.30am and worked my new gear. A mate has imported to some gear to supplement his income and I'm his guinea pig.

Started the morning to find the tailor were playing.

Matt with his first tailor and on plastic a blooded mullet.



Then it was turn with a healthy little pan size snapper on a white pillie.



The wind was pushing pretty hard but we pressed on and another couple of snaps were boated.

Matt with his first snapper on plastic.


And then it was my turn.



It was a good morning, MAtt also boated his bream on plastic, 32cm, but he's not much for the photos so we didn't get one.

All fish were taken on different drift lines, so I'm very happy because that's my first real hit out down there.

Sorry for the quality of pics I left my DSLR at home and had to settle for the iPhone.



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