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new hobbie

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Lately i have lost more lures to snags than fish caught and the missus is getting a little grumpy.

If she wasn't almost a karate black belt it would bother me so much but..... :blush:

So i have started a new hobbie. Only hoping to catch a few fish for myself on these so figures crossed.

I think the hardest part will be sourcing a blank lure that is the style i would normaly use.

My first 8 lures anyway.


Yeah proper eyes are on a slow boat from China

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Thanks for the reply :cheer:

palmfishing is where i got these ones from.

More suited to fresh water i think though for this style.

The little ones might grab the attention of a bream or a flatty maybe.

Found another site in china and another in USA that i am waiting for some samples from so hope those ones will be ok.

The gold and red one is what happens when you have the artistic guidance of a 9 year old lol :silly:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love the fact that you have enjoyed painting up the lures. Even better to see a nice flatty hanging off one of them.

We have a few more styles on their way. All the blanks you have there are manufactured in the USA with all US componants, and I guess those larger ones the 100mm and the 90mm are probably better suited to the fresh but as you found out the flathead seem to like them. That 90mm blank has the best sounding rattles and you've done a great job painting it in that translucent colour.

Check us out because we have a nice 55mm popper/walker and some nice 30mm blanks suitable for shallows fishing for Whiting/Bream and they do swim well and they catch fish.

Thank you for posting this up and allowing me to comment. I really do get excited when someone catches fish on our blanks.

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Hi Thanks guys

It was pretty awesome. I have made a stack and it was the first time i have really gone fishing with them. Due to lack of confidence i guess go no going back now!!

I use a variety of paints. Model paint in the little glass jars and also Createx paints.

Both seem to do the job. Createx need to be thinned a little more than the model paints and at only $3.50 a jar i am starting to lean towards them. My topcoat is 25 min Araldite epoxy.

Sorry typed this up in a bit of a rush at work. The Model paints are $3.50 a jar. Createx are not too much more so personal preference comes into it. I like both.

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Hi All,

Went for a quick fish this morning before work and tried out another lure I have painted with success :woohoo: :woohoo: :P

I described this lure to a mate as what would happen if a Jackall and a Burkley had a kid, he understood when he saw it. Not sure if all of you will though but anyway.



I did catch another one but this was the biggest of the 2.

We fished the reef/rocky area at the Redcliff side of the Hwy Bridge and this lure worked great in the snaggy country.

Everytime i got caught up i gave the line some slack and the lure floated off every single snag, and caught fish to boot.

At $1.20 a blank, think i might get some more of these :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Surfingant. I am pretty happy with the way the popper looks. I've just really started painting lures.

I'm also glad to hear that little popper got your first surface bass (that's special), it accounted for my first Bream on the surface too and it was close to the kg mark which made it even more special.

Please have a look on facebook "Blank Lures" if you get the chance we have a bit of a group learning how to paint and passing on a few tips and techniques.

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Well done again those lures are looking brilliant!

By the way are you using a airbrush to paint them.

Yep airbrush and latley i have taken a liking to Art Spectrum Artists' Ink.

It is very thin already which makes it easy to work with and the containers have a dropper on them so no watse either.

Are those lures available from your website Palmfishing?

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@ Doyley

Guys those lures look bloody brilliant. Got me thinking of another hobby, and I think the wife might ok this one.

Thanks mate.

Just think we only started painting these about 3 months ago too!!

Some of the guys from the US that paint them up do amazing things with an airbrush and a blank lure!!! They have been doing it for years though so who knows, maybe we could be the next pro hart of lures in a few years :silly:

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