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AFO Punters Club Tailor Social Report


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hey everyone, well tailor social was held last sat and sun at Pottsville and surrounding areas. After scouting the area on sat morning myself and mark (plastic fantastic) settled on a likley gutter at Wooyung, long, wash at back and a large entrance in and out from behind the surf, flat no wind and no sweep with water so clear as to see into it a good 8m (we hesitantly pulled ourselves away from it as we were already casting lures into it) and headed back to pottsville to meet up with the boys for the registration. we had 9 members in total turn up motley, ellicat,jeff f, jnewy, plastic fantastic, ezy, kmcrosby,

tugger and his son brock, everyone arrived at the destination and settled in for a long night, first few hrs didn't see much action with a few rays and shovelnose sharks, however right on dusk several tailor were hooked and landed with motley having the standout at 47cm most of the others weren't far behind, within centimeters. sorry fella can't remember exact sizes. after dark saw several shovelies landed up to the meter mark and then mark hooked something a lot bigger but unfortunatly due to some inexperience in using a large Alvey, managed to slightly tangle the line around the handle but even after help from several hand trying desperatly to free the knot the line snapped and the fish earn't his freedom, "bugger". Woke the next morn and headed back at first light but not a touch for anybody so by mid morn decided to head back to the headland at Hasting's for a flick after seeing some of the boys off, mark and myself headed to the rocks. Spent about an hour flicking small plastics and hb's around for no reward so decided to head off. the water around the headlands was so clear and calm that people were out spearfishing on the reef a few hundred meters out when arriving back i asked the divers if they had any luck but they said it was very quiet no fish anywhere. So we may not have caught a great deal but just being outside having a great time with some good guy's is well worth the effort. it was a pleasure to meet you all and look forward to the next time. if any of the guys have some photos please post up here. thanks ezy






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The others were scared of losing to me, so they handicapped me by saying I could use either the top or bottom section. :P

Thanks for organising. Had a good weekend despite the lack of action. I slept for a full day and a half after returning home as the green cart sapped a lot of the energy reserves :woohoo: :lol::lol:

Also, did not get a fish in on the way back as I was following Jeff and Newy who didn't stop as expected. :unsure:

Beautiful spot. The rods are rigged and ready for the next one B)

Congrats to Colin Mottley for the win and whoever else stole my spot in the placings.

Good to meet you guys :)

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Yep, fun weekend alright. Thanks for organising Ezy - top spot to spend the night and a great bunch of AFOers like always. Good to meet a few new faces and some OLD (Ellicat) ones!!!! Thanks Brian for coming to my rescue - dropped into a convenience store at Hastings Point about 5:10pm on Sat arvo to get my fishing licence and then car wouldn't start. Thought: hmmmm, the sunset bite is about to start, what are my chances of someone being willing to come and rescue me, I might be here til about 8pm ........ So phone Brian (Ellicat), yep, no worries will come and get you ..... oh, hang one mate, someone is onto something big (oh great I'm thinking, now I will be here til 8pm!!!!).

Am thinking next year we could maybe switch the snapper and tailor socials around given the lack of action. Great looking gutter though. I wonder if Jeff F has gotten over that suspected jewie busting him off yet??? Was about to shake his hand and meet him for the first time went it started going beserk.

Yep I reckon you are right Angus - this one will continue to grow. See you all at the flathead one.

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