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Forum posts out of order


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Hi all, just to clarify a few things.

There was a period about a day ago in which posts made were timestamped with an incorrect time (i think 15 hours ahead). For Example if the person posted it at say 8pm Wednesday night, it said it was 12pm Thursday. Ok this was to do with the time of the server changing (server is now located in Brisbane so there was a time difference from the servers old location).

Now this caused some havoc in the forum, as some posts made to reply to a post actually went before the original post as the time of the original post was ahead 15 hours, but then we had corrected the time difference so new posts actually were made before the original post. If you get what i mean great if not, not to worry its all fixed now. We are sorry for the inconvenience but it was out of our hands.

However, for this reason some threads are out of order. We can change the order manually, but we just need to know which posts are out of order and where they should be. So if you want to see some threads corrected reply in this thread with the post number (found in the top right of each post eg #41294) and where it should come after.


Post edited by: webmaster, at: 2007/08/23 20:42

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