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The Dane

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first of all this has nothing to with sharks - so fare :)

As you might know i am this danish guy, traveling to brisbane in order to catch a shark or anything else that wanna eat a slice of fish.

We arrived tuesday morning, and walked all the way out to BFC, to pick up a few missing items and get a few good ideas from one of the guys out there.

Yesterday we walked out to kangaroo point, to try our luck. I caught a 30 cm bream, and we diced it in 3x3 cm. We sat the fishpieces on a 4/0 hook and a 2 oz sinker. over the next 3-4 hours we had 5 or 6 good runs, but no luck getting any of em up :(

So today we went downstream on the other side of the river. again we caught a bream, and diced it. over a few hours we caught some small catfish - the biggest weighted around 1.5 kg, and two pike eel aswell. We are go back to the same place tonight and use the eels for bait.

The place is pretty nice - no sharp rocks or snags, and there are a few small trees who provide shade from the sun...

Tomorrow and maybe the day after we are gonna focus on the merge of breakfast river and brisbane river. Anybody got experience with that, or wanna tag along?

We still got a few good days infront of us, before we move on to new zealand. Gimmi a shout if anybody wanna spend time fishing with 2 newbies:)


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I haven't got much idea about sharking but have caught 3 off of the beach, if you feel like trying a bit further away from Brisbane CBD let me know, I may be able to get away for a few hours this weekend and could take you north to Woorim on Bribie Island for a quick try up there. Maybe for a few hours late afternoon to early evening, so you can get on the beer still :evil: :woohoo:

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Sounds great, rinkerdink.

Ill send u a PM

We didnt made it all the way to breakfast river last night, but decided to go back to the spot we found earlier. Caught more catfish, up to 2,2 kilo this time, and had a lot of strange runs. probable from pike eel who couldnt swallow the bait.

somehow there was also a giant school of squid, who attack the bait and followed all the way to the surface and then just drop off again.


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go to breakfast river, they said

its great, they said...

all right, so we went to breakfast river friday afternoon. first we tried catching some bait - which was a complete waste of time. lucky for us a guy was on his way home, and he gave us the rest of his baitfish. we took his spot, and throw out or hook. 5 hours later, about 11 pm, we have caught 2 tiny catfish and nothing else. there was 6 other guys at the spot - they caught nothing.

discouraged we went home.

saturday we went to norman creek to pick up some mullet. it was pretty hard without a castnet, but we caught a few anyways.

around 8 pm we went back to our spot from wednesday night, hoping for some action. and action we had!

with in the first hour we had lost 2-3 sharks and had caught a few catfish.

around 22;20 i notice there was a dropback on one of my rods. assuming it was just another squid or crab i decided to retrive the line by hand. after 10-12 meters of line, something started to pull in the other end.. real hard. both my hands and my left foot was entangled in the line. ohh boy! my brother began to reel in the line, while i tried to escape it.

after 5 minuts the fish started to got close to the bridge. we were both hoping for a shark, but got a surprice. A HUGE pike eel came out of the water. we draged it to the shore to messure the nasty monster. 6,5 kg and wooping 170 cm long.

ill let the picture explain the rest:)

while we still tried to get controle over the pike eel, one of my brothers rods started to scream. another huge fish was on the run, but sadly he lost it after a few minuts. moments after ( still having the first eel on the concrete ), my 2nd rod had a fish. i pushed it really hard so we could release the first one. However this was a nother pike eel, not as big, but still a good one. it was around 135 cm long.

we released both of them shortly after.

what a night:)

we had 2-3 more sharks( who managed to bite around our hooks again and again) + i-dont-how-many catfish and a little 85 cm pike eel, in the following hours.

try to guess where we are going tonight:)


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