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surface creek bass


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Quick report...

After fridays efforts and getting my first ever bass, thought it might be a good idea to go again :silly:

When James (bersim), Madi (Steely) and I got there, we found a dead bass floating in the creek. Was disappointing to see. Just hoping it was a natural cause not pollution etc.. decent size too.


We fished a few different places along the creek then decided to change to surface lures (it worked last time! :D)

After about 10 minutes using my jitterbug a got a decent hit and I was on! (still after my first non-surface bass haha) Got myself a nice 30cm bass to end a nice afternoons fishing.

James will upload some more pictures.





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Nice work, just for future reference and because you mentioned the dead bass try to keep the fish off the ground and hold it with wet hands or on a wet mat. Correct and careful handling practices will ensure most if not all bass will recover well after capture, not that I'm saying that's what the cause of death was but it will only do the fish good to handle it well. By keeping the fish wet and not on a dry surface or in the dirt you are keeping it's slime coating intact which helps prevent bacteria and disease getting in :)

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Thanks Sam, it was an awesome skinny creek to fish in. After a bit of fishing and no fish the cicadas came on and the light was going pretty fast, I glanced across to have a look at the action of the jitterbug but didn't get to see the action as a bass rudely smashed it off the surface :lol::lol: :silly: Awesome little bass for such a skinny creek and on the surface too!!



Must have moved the camera for that photo. I guess you'll have to catch another one to get a good pic :silly: :silly:



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Well done Sam and co.

I see you are picking up tips from your fishing partner by holding the fish out at arms legth. :lol: I just move the camera closer. ;)

So the old jitterbug does the damage, have to try them soon. The soft shell cicada's have been working well for me.

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I'm pretty sure I recognise that area. With reference to your dead bass, if that system doesn't get rain soon, There will be more than one dead bass floating around there. Most of the fish I've caught there since the season opened looked stressed and sick.

Well I noticed since Friday the creek level had gone down drastically. (About a 30cm drop on the verticall bank in two days. That's a lot of water.) the land owners have some pumps set up and obviously they have taken a fair bit of water. Shame.

And referring to my previous comment I meant 'site'. Darn autocorrect :angry:

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