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How to self service a PFD.


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Whilst this only covers one brand it gives you a good idea how to do it and you can download the inspection form that you have to carry.

I was not aware that you do not have to change the co2 cylinder if it checks out ok.



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Thats right, no need to change the cylinders.

If a jacket fails the 24 hour inflation you should keep the cylinder as a spare when you get rid of the jacket.

I buy anaconda Mojiko brand jackets because their paperwork only requires 3 year service intervals. (Or did on the last one I bought). Law is service at manufacturers recommended intervals, or 12 months if no recommended interval.

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I imagine these cylinders can sit on the store/warehouse/factory shelves for some time so they are most certainly stable. The main concern is probably damage due to rusting or mis-treatment of the jackets.

I use the AXIS inflatables especially when we go offshore and they seem like a good unit. I wrap as the CO2 bulb with plastic (or glad wrap will do) without interfering with the inflating mechanism, to ensure that it stays dry when the jacket does get salt spray on it.

3 (or 5) years is a long time though.

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