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Kurwongbah Kayakers


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To the two guys kayaking this morning. I hope you got off the dam before 9am, because where you parked your ute would have left very little room for the ski boats to get through. There's a spot to park on the other side of the road. I'm not going to get into an argument about the current legalities about Lake K and kayaks, but this won't help our cause on opening up the dam for such watercraft.

Rant over


PS. Five out of five donuts, and I saw fish smashing the surface :(

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Hey mate,

Funny you should put this post up.

We do a bit of bank fishing at Kurwongbah and recently there has been a heap of kayaks in there. There was a guy with a canoe with a little petrol outboard on it a few weeks ago,

Some of these guys park their cars in the car park at the Mick Hanfling park.

I didnt think you were allowed to put Kayaks or canoes in their?


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