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christened the new yak


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hey guys recently got my self a kayak,which im so glad i got around to actually doing,can finally fish alot of the places i have never been able to get to due to being landbased.anyway had my first session in the yak yesterday afternoon chasing some bass with no luck at all which was little disappointing,was still keen to christen the yak so headed out at about lunchtime today in search of some bass,was a pretty tough day for me today,managed the only 2 for the day within the first 30mins of launching and preceded to fish until dark for only a few little short strikes of my plastics.tried a whole heap of crankbaits for no hits,the only thing that seemed to be working was my old faithful setup of a zman grub with a tt jig spinner.wasnt the best session ever but would have to say its most enjoyment i have got from fishing in along time was also great to get my first fish out the yak and cant think of a better fish to start with.can see my self getting plenty use out of the yak,just got to get used how to fight the fish out of the yak, and watch that i dont break the rod tip amongst the snags,came close a few times today haha.biggest bass of the day was in the high 30s



thanks guys

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Good work matse it certainly is a great feeling catching fish from kayaks.

Thdre sill be plenty more for you now, the morning bite is obviously the go whete your fishing, keep the reports comimg.

P.s a word of advice I got given is to try to fight the fish out the side not the front as u wont get pulled in so quick but this is easier said than done.



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